Neville Brothers
On The Other Side Of Paradise

I get away from city life
Leave behind trouble and strife
Sweet Lorraine, she's my best friend, she is my wife
We fell in love all over again
On the other side of paradise

My man, Cool Breeze, he take it easy
He buy a castle where it's nice and breezy
He work hard for a long, long time
I think of Iree, got peace of mind satisfied with life
On the other side of paradise

I met my brother, black as coffee bean
His smile is bright and his soul is clean
He had the truest eyes I've ever seen
I knew right then he was my friend
On the other side of paradise

We fell in love under the stars above
The moon shining bright in paradise

My brother said, please buy me Bami
I'm saving up for a ticket to Miami
Don't get me wrong, man, I love my home
But money short, cost of living long
And I dream of lights, I dream of your city lights
On the other side of paradise

I get away from city life
Leave behind trouble and strife
Sweet Lorraine, she's my best friend, she is my wife
We fell in love all over again
On the other side of paradise

On the other side of paradise
On the other side of paradise
On the other side, on the other side
On the other side of paradise

On the other side of paradise
On the other side of paradise
On the other side, on the other side
On the other side of paradise

On the other side of paradise

Mirror lyrics:

On the other side of paradise

On the other side of paradise
On the other side, on the other side
On the other side of paradise
On the other side of paradise

On the other side of paradise
On the other side, on the other side
On the other side of paradise
On the other side of paradise

On the other side of paradise
We fell in love all over again
Sweet Lorraine, she's my best friend, she is my wife
Leave behind trouble and strife
I get away from city life

On the other side of paradise
And I dream of lights, I dream of your city lights
But money short, cost of living long
Don't get me wrong, man, I love my home
I'm saving up for a ticket to Miami
My brother said, please buy me Bami

The moon shining bright in paradise
We fell in love under the stars above

On the other side of paradise
I knew right then he was my friend
He had the truest eyes I've ever seen
His smile is bright and his soul is clean
I met my brother, black as coffee bean

On the other side of paradise
I think of Iree, got peace of mind satisfied with life
He work hard for a long, long time
He buy a castle where it's nice and breezy
My man, Cool Breeze, he take it easy

On the other side of paradise
We fell in love all over again
Sweet Lorraine, she's my best friend, she is my wife
Leave behind trouble and strife
I get away from city life

Relevant Tags:
OOn TThe OOther SSide OOf PParadise n he ther ide f aradise nO hTe tOher iSde fO aPradise kn fhe kther zide kf 0aradise kOn fThe kOther zSide kOf 0Paradise
Okn Tfhe Okther Szide Okf P0aradise 9n 5he 9ther wide 9f laradise 9On 5The 9Other wSide 9Of lParadise O9n T5he O9ther Swide O9f Plaradise 0n hhe 0ther dide 0f oaradise
0On hThe 0Other dSide 0Of oParadise O0n Thhe O0ther Sdide O0f Poaradise ln yhe lther eide lf Paaradise lOn yThe lOther eSide lOf Pradise Oln Tyhe Olther Seide Olf Praadise
in 6he ither xide if Pzradise iOn 6The iOther xSide iOf Pzaradise Oin T6he Oither Sxide Oif Pazradise Onn ghe Otther aide Off Pqradise O gThe Oher aSide O Pqaradise
On Tghe Ohter Saide Of Paqradise Om rhe Ofher Siide Oc Psradise Omn rThe Ofther Sde Ocf Psaradise Onm Trhe Otfher Sdie Ofc Pasradise Oh O5her Sjde Or Pwradise
Ohn Te O5ther Sjide Orf Pwaradise Onh Teh Ot5her Sijde Ofr Pawradise Oj Tje Ohher S9de Og Pxradise Ojn Tjhe Ohther S9ide Ogf Pxaradise Onj Thje Othher Si9de Ofg Paxradise
Ob Tue Oyher Slde Ot Parradise Obn Tuhe Oyther Slide Otf Paadise Onb Thue Otyher Silde Oft Paardise Tne O6her Sode Ov Padadise Tnhe O6ther Soide Ovf Padradise
Thne Ot6her Siode Ofv Pardadise Tbe Ogher Skde Od Pa4adise Tbhe Ogther Skide Odf Pa4radise Thbe Otgher Sikde Ofd Par4adise Tge Orher S8de Pagadise
Orther S8ide Pagradise Thge Otrher Si8de Pargadise Tye Sude Patadise Oter Suide Patradise Thye Otehr Siude Partadise
Thee Otjer Sidde Pa5adise Th Otjher Sie Pa5radise The Othjer Sied Par5adise Ths Otuer Sixe Pafadise Thse Otuher Sixde Pafradise
Thes Othuer Sidxe Parfadise Th3 Otner Siee Paeadise Th3e Otnher Siede Paeradise The3 Othner Sidee Pareadise Thf Otber Sife Paraadise
Thfe Otbher Sifde Pardise Thef Othber Sidfe Pardaise Thr Otger Sire Parzdise Thre Sirde Parzadise Ther Othger Sidre Parazdise
Th4 Otyer Sice Parqdise Th4e Sicde Parqadise The4 Othyer Sidce Paraqdise Thd Otheer Sise Parsdise Thde Othr Sisde Parsadise
Thed Othre Sidse Parasdise Thw Othsr Parwdise Thwe Othser Sid Parwadise Thew Othesr Side Parawdise Oth3r Sids Parxdise
Oth3er Parxadise Othe3r Sides Paraxdise Othfr Sid3 Paraddise Othfer Sid3e Paraise Othefr Side3 Paraidse
Othrr Sidf Paraxise Othrer Otherr Sidef Paradxise

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