What Tomorrow Knows

Dreams lie smashed again
They've pinned your back to the wall
Like faded pictures of what might have been
Fate is cruel when dreams, like candles, fade
Smashed again down into the gray
Despise for a world turned cold
No one sees what tomorrow knows

There's a shame in blind suffering
Dishonor from the inside
Find hope from the voice within
Clear vision of your own mind

Mistakes you wear like your skin
You wish you'd never been born
Stand up, you can't escape your past
But fools will try just to forget
From where they came
Smashed again down into the gray
Despise for a world grown cold
No one sees what tomorrow knows

There's a shame in blind suffering
Dishonor from the inside
Find hope from the voice within
Clear vision of your own mind

No more color to will to fade
To see life clearly, regretful nevermore
Take the time, make the time

Dreams lie smashed again
They've pinned your back to the wall
Like faded pictures of what might have been
Fate is cruel when dreams, like candles, fade
Smashed again down into the gray
Despise for a world turned cold
No one sees what tomorrow knows

There's a shame in blind suffering
Dishonor from the inside
Find hope from the voice within
Clear vision of your own mind

There's shame in false victory
Dishonor from the inside
False pride, all you can't redeem
Clear vision of your own mind

Mirror lyrics:

Clear vision of your own mind
False pride, all you can't redeem
Dishonor from the inside
There's shame in false victory

Clear vision of your own mind
Find hope from the voice within
Dishonor from the inside
There's a shame in blind suffering

No one sees what tomorrow knows
Despise for a world turned cold
Smashed again down into the gray
Fate is cruel when dreams, like candles, fade
Like faded pictures of what might have been
They've pinned your back to the wall
Dreams lie smashed again

Take the time, make the time
To see life clearly, regretful nevermore
No more color to will to fade

Clear vision of your own mind
Find hope from the voice within
Dishonor from the inside
There's a shame in blind suffering

No one sees what tomorrow knows
Despise for a world grown cold
Smashed again down into the gray
From where they came
But fools will try just to forget
Stand up, you can't escape your past
You wish you'd never been born
Mistakes you wear like your skin

Clear vision of your own mind
Find hope from the voice within
Dishonor from the inside
There's a shame in blind suffering

No one sees what tomorrow knows
Despise for a world turned cold
Smashed again down into the gray
Fate is cruel when dreams, like candles, fade
Like faded pictures of what might have been
They've pinned your back to the wall
Dreams lie smashed again

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WWhat TTomorrow KKnows hat omorrow nows hWat oTmorrow nKows ahat fomorrow lnows aWhat fTomorrow lKnows Wahat Tfomorrow Klnows
3hat 5omorrow onows 3What 5Tomorrow oKnows W3hat T5omorrow Konows dhat homorrow mnows dWhat hTomorrow mKnows Wdhat Thomorrow Kmnows
ehat yomorrow jnows eWhat yTomorrow jKnows Wehat Tyomorrow Kjnows shat 6omorrow inows sWhat 6Tomorrow iKnows Wshat T6omorrow Kinows
2hat gomorrow Knnows 2What gTomorrow Kows W2hat Tgomorrow Konws qhat romorrow Kmows qWhat rTomorrow Wqhat Tromorrow Knmows
Whhat Toomorrow Khows Wat Tmorrow Khnows Waht Tmoorrow Knhows Wjat Tkmorrow Kjows Wjhat Tkomorrow Whjat Tokmorrow Knjows
Wuat T9morrow Kbows Wuhat T9omorrow Kbnows Whuat To9morrow Knbows Wnat T0morrow Knoows Wnhat T0omorrow Knws Whnat To0morrow Knwos
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Whst Tomoorrow Knoas Whsat Tomrrow Knoaws Whast Tomrorow Knowas Whwt Tomkrrow Kno3s Whwat Kno3ws Whawt Tomokrrow Know3s
Whxt Tom9rrow Knods Whxat Tom9orrow Knodws Whaxt Tomo9rrow Knowds Whatt Tom0rrow Knoes Wha Tom0orrow Knoews What Tomo0rrow Knowes
Whaf Tomlrrow Knoss Whaft Tomlorrow Knosws Whatf Tomolrrow Knowss Wha5 Tomirrow Kno2s Wha5t Tomiorrow Kno2ws What5 Tomoirrow Know2s
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