The Hurting Words

Sometimes it's so hard to show the way you feel
Sometimes it seems like the words aren't real
Sometimes it makes no difference what you're trying to say
When all the words come out wrong anyway

I've said too many words to catch them all in time
I've used the hurting words that took away your shine

Sometimes you can't keep from falling in
Obscuring waters, against the stream we swim
Sometimes I feel like drowning just to make you say
All of the words you never want to say to me now

I've said too many words to catch them all in time
I've used the hurting words that took away your shine
I've said too many words to make you, make you understand and see
There's far too many things that you and I can't say

Sometimes it's so hard to show the way you feel
Sometimes you know the words you say aren't real
Sometimes I hate myself for hating things in you
And there's no words to heal, heal all my wounds now

Mirror lyrics:

And there's no words to heal, heal all my wounds now
Sometimes I hate myself for hating things in you
Sometimes you know the words you say aren't real
Sometimes it's so hard to show the way you feel

There's far too many things that you and I can't say
I've said too many words to make you, make you understand and see
I've used the hurting words that took away your shine
I've said too many words to catch them all in time

All of the words you never want to say to me now
Sometimes I feel like drowning just to make you say
Obscuring waters, against the stream we swim
Sometimes you can't keep from falling in

I've used the hurting words that took away your shine
I've said too many words to catch them all in time

When all the words come out wrong anyway
Sometimes it makes no difference what you're trying to say
Sometimes it seems like the words aren't real
Sometimes it's so hard to show the way you feel

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TThe HHurting WWords he urting ords hTe uHrting oWrds fhe jurting aords fThe jHurting aWords Tfhe Hjurting Waords
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yhe burting eords yThe bHurting eWords Tyhe Hburting Weords 6he gurting sords 6The gHurting sWords T6he Hgurting Wsords
ghe yurting 2ords gThe yHurting 2Words Tghe Hyurting W2ords rhe qords rThe Hrting qWords Trhe Hruting Wqords
Hhrting Woords Te Hhurting Wrds Teh Huhrting Wrods Tje H7rting Wkrds Tjhe H7urting Wkords Thje Hu7rting Wokrds
Tue Hkrting W9rds Tuhe Hkurting W9ords Thue Hukrting Wo9rds Tne Hirting W0rds Tnhe Hiurting W0ords Thne Huirting Wo0rds
Tbe H8rting Wlrds Tbhe H8urting Wlords Thbe Hu8rting Wolrds Tge Hjrting Wirds Wiords Thge Hujrting Woirds
Tye Hyrting Worrds Wods Thye Huyrting Wodrs Thee Hurrting Wodds Th Huting Wodrds The Hutring Wordds
Ths Hudting Wo4ds Thse Hudrting Wo4rds Thes Hurdting Wor4ds Th3 Hu4ting Wogds Th3e Hu4rting Wogrds The3 Hur4ting Worgds
Thf Hugting Wotds Thfe Hugrting Wotrds Thef Hurgting Wortds Thr Hutting Wo5ds Thre Hutrting Wo5rds Ther Hurtting Wor5ds
Th4 Hu5ting Wofds Th4e Hu5rting Wofrds The4 Hur5ting Worfds Thd Hufting Woeds Thde Hufrting Woerds Thed Hurfting Woreds
Thw Hueting Thwe Huerting Wors Thew Hureting Worsd Worxs Huring Worxds

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