Neil Diamond
When You Wish Upon A Star

Artist: Neil Diamond
Title: When you wish upon a star
When you wish upon a star, makes no difference who you are
Anything your heart desires will come to you

If your heart is in your dreams, no request is too extreme
When you wish upon a star as dreamers do

(Fate is kind, she brings to those who love
The sweet fulfillment of their secret longing)

Like a bolt out of the blue, fate steps in and sees you thru
When you wish upon a star, your dreams come true

Mirror lyrics:

When you wish upon a star, your dreams come true
Like a bolt out of the blue, fate steps in and sees you thru

The sweet fulfillment of their secret longing)
(Fate is kind, she brings to those who love

When you wish upon a star as dreamers do
If your heart is in your dreams, no request is too extreme

Anything your heart desires will come to you
When you wish upon a star, makes no difference who you are
Title: When you wish upon a star
Artist: Neil Diamond

Relevant Tags:
WWhen YYou WWish UUpon AA SStar hen ou ish pon tar hWen oYu iWsh pUon A tSar ahen gou aish hpon z ztar aWhen gYou aWish hUpon zA zStar
Wahen Ygou Waish Uhpon Az Sztar 3hen hou 3ish 7pon q wtar 3When hYou 3Wish 7Upon qA wStar W3hen Yhou W3ish U7pon Aq Swtar dhen 6ou dish kpon s dtar
dWhen 6You dWish kUpon sA dStar Wdhen Y6ou Wdish Ukpon As Sdtar ehen uou eish ipon w etar eWhen uYou eWish iUpon wA eStar Wehen Yuou Weish Uipon Aw Setar
shen 7ou sish 8pon x xtar sWhen 7You sWish 8Upon xA xStar Wshen Y7ou Wsish U8pon Ax Sxtar 2hen jou 2ish jpon atar 2When jYou 2Wish jUpon aStar
W2hen Yjou W2ish Ujpon Satar qhen tou qish ypon Sttar qWhen tYou qWish yUpon Sar Wqhen Ytou Wqish Uypon Satr Whhen Yoou Wiish Uppon Sfar
Wen Yu Wsh Uon Sftar Wehn Yuo Wsih Uopn Stfar Wjen Yku Wjsh U0on S5ar Wjhen Ykou Wjish U0pon S5tar Whjen Yoku Wijsh Up0on St5ar
Wuen Y9u W9sh Ulon Shar Wuhen Y9ou W9ish Ulpon Shtar Whuen Yo9u Wi9sh Uplon Sthar Wnen Y0u Wlsh Uoon Syar Wnhen Y0ou Wlish Uopon Sytar
Whnen Yo0u Wilsh Upoon Styar Wben Ylu Wosh S6ar Wbhen Ylou Woish Upn S6tar Whben Yolu Wiosh Upno St6ar Wgen Yiu Wksh Upkn Sgar
Wghen Yiou Wkish Upkon Sgtar Whgen Yoiu Wiksh Upokn Stgar Wyen Youu W8sh Up9n Srar Wyhen Yo W8ish Up9on Srtar Whyen You Wi8sh Upo9n Strar

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