Neil Diamond
The Shelter Of Your Arms

Artist: Neil Diamond
Title: The Shelter Of Your Arms

In this cold world
No matter where I go
The crowds are all the same

To them I'm just
A pebble in the sand
A face without a name
Nobody gives a hang
For what I say or do
But you

And in the shelter of your arms
I find peace and comfort and care
For I am wanted there

In this cold world
You struggle to survive
And sometimes
You can fall
You think someone
Would lend a helping hand
They'd sooner see you crawl
But just when life itself
Seems more than I can bear
You're there

And in the shelter of your arms
I can find strength and safety and then
I rise and start again

Just give me one good reason
To go on living
To keep on trying
For what I ask you, for what
If not for you
And all your love to see me through

But just when life itself
Seems more than I can bear
You're there
And in the shelter of your arms
I can find strength and safety
And then
I rise and start again

Mirror lyrics:

I rise and start again
And then
I can find strength and safety
And in the shelter of your arms
You're there
Seems more than I can bear
But just when life itself

And all your love to see me through
If not for you
For what I ask you, for what
To keep on trying
To go on living
Just give me one good reason

I rise and start again
I can find strength and safety and then
And in the shelter of your arms

You're there
Seems more than I can bear
But just when life itself
They'd sooner see you crawl
Would lend a helping hand
You think someone
You can fall
And sometimes
You struggle to survive
In this cold world

For I am wanted there
I find peace and comfort and care
And in the shelter of your arms

But you
For what I say or do
Nobody gives a hang
A face without a name
A pebble in the sand
To them I'm just

The crowds are all the same
No matter where I go
In this cold world

Title: The Shelter Of Your Arms
Artist: Neil Diamond

Relevant Tags:
TThe SShelter OOf YYour AArms he helter f our rms hTe hSelter fO oYur rAms fhe zhelter kf gour zrms fThe zShelter kOf gYour zArms Tfhe Szhelter Okf Ygour Azrms
5he whelter 9f hour qrms 5The wShelter 9Of hYour qArms T5he Swhelter O9f Yhour Aqrms hhe dhelter 0f 6our srms hThe dShelter 0Of 6Your sArms Thhe Sdhelter O0f Y6our Asrms
yhe ehelter lf uour wrms yThe eShelter lOf uYour wArms Tyhe Sehelter Olf Yuour Awrms 6he xhelter if 7our xrms 6The xShelter iOf 7Your xArms T6he Sxhelter Oif Y7our Axrms
ghe ahelter Off jour Arrms gThe aShelter O jYour Ams Tghe Sahelter Of Yjour Amrs rhe Shhelter Oc tour Adms rThe Selter Ocf tYour Adrms Trhe Sehlter Ofc Ytour Ardms
Sjelter Or Yoour A4ms Te Sjhelter Orf Yur A4rms Teh Shjelter Ofr Yuor Ar4ms Tje Suelter Og Ykur Agms Tjhe Suhelter Ogf Ykour Agrms Thje Shuelter Ofg Yokur Argms
Tue Snelter Ot Y9ur Atms Tuhe Snhelter Otf Y9our Atrms Thue Shnelter Oft Yo9ur Artms Tne Sbelter Ov Y0ur A5ms Tnhe Sbhelter Ovf Y0our A5rms Thne Shbelter Ofv Yo0ur Ar5ms
Tbe Sgelter Od Ylur Afms Tbhe Sghelter Odf Ylour Afrms Thbe Shgelter Ofd Yolur Arfms Tge Syelter Yiur Aems Syhelter Yiour Aerms Thge Shyelter Yoiur Arems
Tye Sheelter Youur Armms Shlter Yor Ars Thye Shleter Yoru Arsm Thee Shslter Yohr Arjs Th Shselter Yohur Arjms The Sheslter Youhr Armjs
Ths Sh3lter Yo7r Arks Thse Sh3elter Yo7ur Arkms Thes She3lter You7r Armks Th3 Shflter Yokr Arns Th3e Shfelter Arnms The3 Sheflter Youkr Armns
Thf Shrlter Yoir Armss Thfe Shrelter Arm Thef Sherlter Youir Arms Thr Sh4lter Yo8r Armz Thre Sh4elter Yo8ur Armzs Ther She4lter You8r Armsz
Th4 Shdlter Yojr Armw Th4e Shdelter Yojur Armws The4 Shedlter Youjr Armsw Thd Shwlter Yoyr Armd Thde Shwelter Yoyur Armds Thed Shewlter Youyr Armsd
Thw Shellter Yourr Arme Thwe Sheter You Armes Thew Shetler Your Armse Shekter Youd Armx Sheklter Youdr Armxs Shelkter Yourd Armsx

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