Neil Diamond
We (early Take)

Artist: Neil Diamond
Title: We (Early Take)
Love is all about chemistry
Talkin bout the way you feel inside
It's all about a mystery
All about taking a magic ride
It's not about you, it's not about me
Love is all about we
It's all about we

It's all about the plans we make
All about you and me being friends
All about the road we take
Together how we both gonna reach the end
It's not about you, it's not about me
Love is all about we
It's all about we

With a string you can tie a knot
But you gotta have somethin' to tie it to
Otherwise all you've got is that knot
When it ties me to you
It's a whole other thing
Love is all about we
Say it's all about we

Love is not about young or old
Been around the earliest days of man
Matter of have and hold
Do it all alone and you'll understand
It's not about you, it's not about me
Love is all about we
Say, it's all about we

With a string you can tie a knot
But you got to have something to tie it to
Otherwise all you've got is that knot
But when it ties me to you
It's a whole other thing
And love is all about we
Yes, it's all about we

Its not about you
It's not about me
Love is all about we
Yes, it's all about we
Yes, it's all about we
You and me
All about we
You and me
You and me
All about we

Mirror lyrics:

All about we
You and me
You and me
All about we
You and me
Yes, it's all about we
Yes, it's all about we
Love is all about we
It's not about me
Its not about you

Yes, it's all about we
And love is all about we
It's a whole other thing
But when it ties me to you
Otherwise all you've got is that knot
But you got to have something to tie it to
With a string you can tie a knot

Say, it's all about we
Love is all about we
It's not about you, it's not about me
Do it all alone and you'll understand
Matter of have and hold
Been around the earliest days of man
Love is not about young or old

Say it's all about we
Love is all about we
It's a whole other thing
When it ties me to you
Otherwise all you've got is that knot
But you gotta have somethin' to tie it to
With a string you can tie a knot

It's all about we
Love is all about we
It's not about you, it's not about me
Together how we both gonna reach the end
All about the road we take
All about you and me being friends
It's all about the plans we make

It's all about we
Love is all about we
It's not about you, it's not about me
All about taking a magic ride
It's all about a mystery
Talkin bout the way you feel inside
Love is all about chemistry
Title: We (Early Take)
Artist: Neil Diamond

Relevant Tags:
WWe ((early TTake) e early ake) eW e(arly aTke) ae (eearly fake) aWe (arly fTake) Wae (aerly Tfake) 3e (sarly 5ake)
3We (searly 5Take) W3e (esarly T5ake) de (3arly hake) dWe (3early hTake) Wde (e3arly Thake) ee (farly yake) eWe (fearly yTake)
Wee (efarly Tyake) se (rarly 6ake) sWe (rearly 6Take) Wse (erarly T6ake) 2e (4arly gake) 2We (4early gTake) W2e (e4arly Tgake)
qe (darly rake) qWe (dearly rTake) Wqe (edarly Trake) (warly Taake) W (wearly Tke) We (ewarly Tkae) Ws (eaarly Tzke)
(erly Tzake) Wes (eraly Tazke) W3 (ezrly Tqke) (ezarly Tqake) We3 (eazrly Taqke) Wf (eqrly Tske) Wfe (eqarly Tsake)
Wef (eaqrly Taske) Wr (esrly Twke) Wre Twake) Wer (easrly Tawke) W4 (ewrly Txke) W4e Txake) We4 (eawrly Taxke)
Wd (exrly Takke) (exarly Tae) Wed (eaxrly Taek) Ww (earrly Tale) Wwe (ealy Talke) Wew (ealry Takle) (eadly Taoe)
(eadrly Taoke) (eardly Takoe) (ea4ly Tame)

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