Neil Diamond
Let Me Take You In My Arms Again

Artist: Neil Diamond
Title: Let Me Take You In My Arms Again
You'd be better off, I know
With another kind of man
All I got is what I feel
And what I feel is what I am

So let me take you in my arms again
Let me take you in my arms, and then
Let me see behind your smile
Let me love you like a child
Let me take you in my arms

I'm like a train that's rolling on a track
Like a train that's got no turnin' back
Let me keep you from the storm
Let me make you safe and warm
Let me take you in my arms

You'd be better off, I know
With another kind of man
All I got is what I feel
And what I feel is what I am

Let me take you in my arms again
Won't be easy, but I'll learn to bend
Like a ship without a sail
On a sea without a trail
Let me take you in my arms

You'd be better off, I know
With another kind of man
All I got is what I feel
And what I feel is what I am

Let me take you in my arms again
Won't be easy, but I'll learn to bend
Like a ship without a sail
On a sea without a trail
Let me take you in my arms

Let me take you in my arms again
Let me take you in my arms, and then
Let me see behind your smile
Let me love you like a child
Let me take you in my arms

Let me take you in my arms again
Let me take you in my arms, and then
Let me see behind your smile
Let me love you like a child
Let me take you in my arms

Mirror lyrics:

Let me take you in my arms
Let me love you like a child
Let me see behind your smile
Let me take you in my arms, and then
Let me take you in my arms again

Let me take you in my arms
Let me love you like a child
Let me see behind your smile
Let me take you in my arms, and then
Let me take you in my arms again

Let me take you in my arms
On a sea without a trail
Like a ship without a sail
Won't be easy, but I'll learn to bend
Let me take you in my arms again

And what I feel is what I am
All I got is what I feel
With another kind of man
You'd be better off, I know

Let me take you in my arms
On a sea without a trail
Like a ship without a sail
Won't be easy, but I'll learn to bend
Let me take you in my arms again

And what I feel is what I am
All I got is what I feel
With another kind of man
You'd be better off, I know

Let me take you in my arms
Let me make you safe and warm
Let me keep you from the storm
Like a train that's got no turnin' back
I'm like a train that's rolling on a track

Let me take you in my arms
Let me love you like a child
Let me see behind your smile
Let me take you in my arms, and then
So let me take you in my arms again

And what I feel is what I am
All I got is what I feel
With another kind of man
You'd be better off, I know
Title: Let Me Take You In My Arms Again
Artist: Neil Diamond

Relevant Tags:
LLet MMe TTake YYou IIn MMy AArms AAgain et e ake ou n y rms gain eLt eM aTke oYu nI yM rAms gAain ket je fake gou jn jy zrms zgain kLet jMe fTake gYou jIn jMy zArms zAgain
Lket Mje Tfake Ygou Ijn Mjy Azrms Azgain oet ke 5ake hou 9n ky qrms qgain oLet kMe 5Take hYou 9In kMy qArms qAgain Loet Mke T5ake Yhou I9n Mky Aqrms Aqgain pet ne hake 6ou ln ny srms sgain
pLet nMe hTake 6You lIn nMy sArms sAgain Lpet Mne Thake Y6ou Iln Mny Asrms Asgain Leet Mee yake uou on Myy wrms wgain Lt M yTake uYou oIn M wArms wAgain Lte Me Tyake Yuou Ion My Awrms Awgain
Lst Ms 6ake 7ou kn Mg xrms xgain Lset Mse 6Take 7You kIn Mgy xArms xAgain Lest Mes T6ake Y7ou Ikn Myg Axrms Axgain L3t M3 gake jou 8n Mh Arrms Aggain L3et M3e gTake jYou 8In Mhy Ams Aain
Le3t Me3 Tgake Yjou I8n Myh Amrs Aagin Lft Mf rake tou un M6 Adms Ahain Lfet Mfe rTake tYou uIn M6y Adrms Ahgain Left Mef Trake Ytou Iun My6 Ardms Aghain Lrt Mr Taake Yoou Inn Mu A4ms Ayain
Lret Mre Tke Yu I Muy A4rms Aygain Lert Mer Tkae Yuo In Myu Ar4ms Agyain L4t M4 Tzke Yku Im M7 Agms Abain L4et M4e Tzake Ykou Imn M7y Agrms Abgain Le4t Me4 Tazke Yoku Inm My7 Argms Agbain
Ldt Md Tqke Y9u Ih Mj Atms Avain Ldet Mde Tqake Y9ou Ihn Atrms Avgain Ledt Med Taqke Yo9u Inh Myj Artms Agvain Lwt Mw Tske Y0u Ij Mt A5ms Afain Lwet Mwe Tsake Y0ou Mty A5rms Afgain
Lewt Mew Taske Yo0u Inj Myt Ar5ms Agfain Lett Twke Ylu Ib Afms Atain Le Twake Ylou Ibn Afrms Atgain Let Tawke Yolu Inb Arfms Agtain Lef Txke Yiu Aems Agaain
Txake Yiou Aerms Agin Letf Taxke Yoiu Arems Agian Le5 Takke Youu Armms Agzin Le5t Tae Yo Ars Agzain Let5 Taek You Arsm Agazin
Leh Tale Yoh Arjs Agqin Leht Talke Yohu Arjms Agqain Leth Takle Youh Armjs Agaqin

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