Neil Diamond
Face Me

When you look away from me
I feel the anger go straight to my head
Cause I'm feeling deceived
And it's not what you say
But the way that you say it
I worry inside
Do you lie to me, lie to me?
What do you hide from me?
Face me

Face me
Need you to face me
Don't have to turn away to say that
I'm the man you want to be with
Make me believe it
You know you've got my life just waiting in your hand
Don't look away now
Face me and say how
You want me still

Love me
Need you to love me
Look right into my eyes
And I'll believe it's true
Don't be uncertain
Pull back the curtain
Just say it right to me
So I'll believe it too
Don't have to sell me
Just need to tell me
You love me too

Some call it vain
Others say vanity
Comes from the heart
Not from the head
And it may be insane
What is insanity
If not a cry for the truth
To be truthfully told
Between you and me
Face me
Hold me
Reach out and hold me
Words aren't strong enough
To catch me when I fall
They can't sustain me
They can't contain me
I want the truth so bad
That I'll believe it all
And when you say it
Don't you betray it
Don't look away

Face me today
Face me today

Mirror lyrics:

Face me today
Face me today

Don't look away
Don't you betray it
And when you say it
That I'll believe it all
I want the truth so bad
They can't contain me
They can't sustain me
To catch me when I fall
Words aren't strong enough
Reach out and hold me
Hold me
Face me
Between you and me
To be truthfully told
If not a cry for the truth
What is insanity
And it may be insane
Not from the head
Comes from the heart
Others say vanity
Some call it vain

You love me too
Just need to tell me
Don't have to sell me
So I'll believe it too
Just say it right to me
Pull back the curtain
Don't be uncertain
And I'll believe it's true
Look right into my eyes
Need you to love me
Love me

You want me still
Face me and say how
Don't look away now
You know you've got my life just waiting in your hand
Make me believe it
I'm the man you want to be with
Don't have to turn away to say that
Need you to face me
Face me

Face me
What do you hide from me?
Do you lie to me, lie to me?
I worry inside
But the way that you say it
And it's not what you say
Cause I'm feeling deceived
I feel the anger go straight to my head
When you look away from me

Relevant Tags:
FFace MMe ace e aFce eM cace je cFace jMe Fcace Mje race ke rFace kMe Frace Mke gace ne gFace nMe
Fgace Mne tace Mee tFace M Ftace Me vace Ms vFace Mse Fvace Mes dace M3 dFace M3e Fdace Me3 Faace Mf
Fce Mfe Fcae Mef Fzce Mr Fzace Mre Fazce Mer Fqce M4 Fqace M4e Faqce Me4 Fsce Md Fsace Mde Fasce Med
Fwce Mw Fwace Mwe Fawce Mew Fxce Fxace

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