Neil Diamond
Be Mine Tonight

Artist: Neil Diamond
Title: Be mine tonight
I never needed to hear the truth
You never wanted to know
I never wanted to be unkind
But then something kept telling me go
There was something kept telling me go

We stayed together like birds in a cage
But then one of us had to get free
But who had the heart to say goodbye
Wasn't you so it had to be me
Wasn't you so it had to be me

You told me to go when I wanted to stay
Breaking me over in every way
Telling me just what to do with my life
But, oh, I wish you could be mine
Oh, I wish you would be mine tonight
Be mine tonight, tonight
Be mine tonight

We never knew it for what it was worth
It was worth more than we understood
We never got past the lies and the hurt
And it hurt even when it was good
Yes it hurt even when it was good

Mirror lyrics:

Yes it hurt even when it was good
And it hurt even when it was good
We never got past the lies and the hurt
It was worth more than we understood
We never knew it for what it was worth

Be mine tonight
Be mine tonight, tonight
Oh, I wish you would be mine tonight
But, oh, I wish you could be mine
Telling me just what to do with my life
Breaking me over in every way
You told me to go when I wanted to stay

Wasn't you so it had to be me
Wasn't you so it had to be me
But who had the heart to say goodbye
But then one of us had to get free
We stayed together like birds in a cage

There was something kept telling me go
But then something kept telling me go
I never wanted to be unkind
You never wanted to know
I never needed to hear the truth
Title: Be mine tonight
Artist: Neil Diamond

Relevant Tags:
BBe MMine TTonight e ine onight eB iMne oTnight ve jine fonight vBe jMine fTonight Bve Mjine Tfonight ge kine 5onight
gBe kMine 5Tonight Bge Mkine T5onight ne nine honight nBe nMine hTonight Bne Mnine Thonight he Miine yonight hBe Mne yTonight
Bhe Mnie Tyonight Bee Mjne 6onight B 6Tonight Be Mijne T6onight Bs M9ne gonight Bse M9ine gTonight Bes Mi9ne Tgonight
B3 Mlne ronight B3e Mline rTonight Be3 Milne Tronight Bf Mone Toonight Bfe Moine Tnight Bef Mione Tnoight Br Mkne Tknight
Bre Tkonight Ber Mikne Toknight B4 M8ne T9night B4e M8ine T9onight Be4 Mi8ne To9night Bd Mune T0night Bde Muine T0onight
Bed Miune To0night Bw Minne Tlnight Bwe Mie Tlonight Bew Mien Tolnight Mime Tinight Mimne Tionight Minme Toinight
Mihe Tonnight Mihne Toight Minhe Toinght Mije Tomight Tomnight Minje Tonmight Mibe Tohight
Mibne Tohnight Minbe Tonhight Minee Tojight Min Tojnight Mine Tonjight Mins Tobight Minse Tobnight
Mines Tonbight Min3 Toniight Min3e Tonght Mine3 Tongiht Minf Tonjght Minfe Minef Tonijght
Minr Ton9ght Minre Ton9ight Miner Toni9ght Min4 Tonlght Min4e Tonlight Mine4 Tonilght Mind Tonoght

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