Neil Diamond
A Groovy Kind Of Love

Artist: Neil Diamond
Title: A Groovy Kind Of Love
When I'm feeling blue,
All I have to do
Is take a look at you
And then I'm not so blue
When you're close to me,
I can feel your heart beat
I can hear you breathing
In my ear
Wouldn't you agree
Baby you and me
Got a groovy kind of love
We got a groovy kind of love

Anytime you want to
You can turn me on to
Anything you want to
Anytime at all
When I taste your lips,
Ooh I start to shiver
Can't control the quivering inside
Wouldn't you agree
Baby you and me
We got a groovy kind of love
We got a groovy kind of love

I love you
I love you
I love you it's true
When I'm feeling blue,
All I have to do
Is take a look at you
And then I'm not so blue
When I'm in your arms,
Nothing seems to matter
If the whole world could shatter,
I don't care

Wouldn't you agree
Baby you and me
We got a groovy kind of love
We got a groovy kind of love

Mirror lyrics:

We got a groovy kind of love
We got a groovy kind of love
Baby you and me
Wouldn't you agree

I don't care
If the whole world could shatter,
Nothing seems to matter
When I'm in your arms,
And then I'm not so blue
Is take a look at you
All I have to do
When I'm feeling blue,
I love you it's true
I love you
I love you

We got a groovy kind of love
We got a groovy kind of love
Baby you and me
Wouldn't you agree
Can't control the quivering inside
Ooh I start to shiver
When I taste your lips,
Anytime at all
Anything you want to
You can turn me on to
Anytime you want to

We got a groovy kind of love
Got a groovy kind of love
Baby you and me
Wouldn't you agree
In my ear
I can hear you breathing
I can feel your heart beat
When you're close to me,
And then I'm not so blue
Is take a look at you
All I have to do
When I'm feeling blue,
Title: A Groovy Kind Of Love
Artist: Neil Diamond

Relevant Tags:
AA GGroovy KKind OOf LLove roovy ind f ove A rGoovy iKnd fO oLve z hroovy lind kf kove zA hGroovy lKind kOf kLove Az Ghroovy Klind Okf Lkove
q yroovy oind 9f oove qA yGroovy oKind 9Of oLove Aq Gyroovy Koind O9f Loove s broovy mind 0f pove sA bGroovy mKind 0Of pLove As Gbroovy Kmind O0f Lpove
w vroovy jind lf wA vGroovy jKind lOf Lve Aw Gvroovy Kjind Olf Lvoe x froovy iind if Lkve xA fGroovy iKind iOf Ax Gfroovy Kiind Oif Lokve
troovy Off L9ve tGroovy Knd O L9ove Gtroovy Knid Of Lo9ve Grroovy Kjnd Oc L0ve Goovy Ocf L0ove Gorovy Kijnd Ofc Lo0ve
Gdoovy K9nd Or Llve Gdroovy K9ind Orf Llove Grdoovy Ki9nd Ofr Lolve G4oovy Klnd Og Live G4roovy Ogf Liove Gr4oovy Kilnd Ofg Loive
Ggoovy Kond Ot Lovve Ggroovy Otf Loe Grgoovy Kiond Oft Loev Gtoovy Kknd Ov Lobe Kkind Ovf Lobve Grtoovy Kiknd Ofv Lovbe
G5oovy K8nd Od Loce G5roovy K8ind Odf Locve Gr5oovy Ki8nd Ofd Lovce Gfoovy Kund Loge Kuind Logve Grfoovy Kiund Lovge
Geoovy Kinnd Lofe Geroovy Kid Lofve Greoovy Kidn Lovfe Grooovy Kimd Lovee Grovy Kimnd Lov Groovy Kinmd Love
Grkovy Kihd Lovs Grkoovy Kihnd Lovse Grokovy Kinhd Loves Gr9ovy Kijd Lov3 Gr9oovy Lov3e Gro9ovy Kinjd Love3
Gr0ovy Kibd Lovf

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