Neds Atomic Dustbin
Swallowing Air

I didn't call this far, I've been so careful

I've swallowed air, now I've had my bellyful

So now I want to get something for me

Now I want to get something for me

I've swallowed air, I've had my bellyful

I don't want to lose it when we have no cause

I don't want to lose it but the choice is yours

You don't compare to anything I have

I want to stare, I don't want a photograph

It's about time you did something for me

It's about time you did something for me

I want to stare, I don't want a photograph

I don't want to lose it when we have no cause

I don't want to lose it but the choice is yours

What is it now? You call me unsung

I've fallen foul of somebody's hot tongue

The man inside can never be seen

God, help me if I ever come clean

I've fallen foul of somebody's hot tongue

Mirror lyrics:

I've fallen foul of somebody's hot tongue

God, help me if I ever come clean

The man inside can never be seen

I've fallen foul of somebody's hot tongue

What is it now? You call me unsung

I don't want to lose it but the choice is yours

I don't want to lose it when we have no cause

I want to stare, I don't want a photograph

It's about time you did something for me

It's about time you did something for me

I want to stare, I don't want a photograph

You don't compare to anything I have

I don't want to lose it but the choice is yours

I don't want to lose it when we have no cause

I've swallowed air, I've had my bellyful

Now I want to get something for me

So now I want to get something for me

I've swallowed air, now I've had my bellyful

I didn't call this far, I've been so careful

Relevant Tags:
SSwallowing AAir wallowing ir wSallowing iAr zwallowing zir zSwallowing zAir Szwallowing Azir wwallowing qir wSwallowing qAir
Swwallowing Aqir dwallowing sir dSwallowing sAir Sdwallowing Asir ewallowing wir eSwallowing wAir Sewallowing Awir xwallowing xir
xSwallowing xAir Sxwallowing Axir awallowing Aiir aSwallowing Ar Sawallowing Ari Ajr Sallowing Ajir Sawllowing Aijr
Saallowing A9r A9ir Swaallowing Ai9r S3allowing Alr S3wallowing Alir Sw3allowing Ailr Sdallowing Aor Aoir
Swdallowing Aior Seallowing Akr Akir Sweallowing Aikr Ssallowing A8r Sswallowing A8ir Swsallowing Ai8r S2allowing Aur
S2wallowing Auir Sw2allowing Aiur Sqallowing Airr Sqwallowing Ai Swqallowing Air Aid Swllowing Aidr Swlalowing Aird
Swzllowing Ai4 Swzallowing Ai4r Swazllowing Air4 Swqllowing Aig Aigr Swaqllowing Airg Swsllowing Ait Aitr
Swasllowing Airt Swwllowing Ai5 Ai5r Swawllowing Air5 Swxllowing Aif Swxallowing Aifr Swaxllowing Airf Swalllowing Aie
Swalowing Aier Swallowing Aire Swaklowing Swakllowing Swalklowing Swaolowing Swaollowing Swalolowing
Swaplowing Swapllowing Swalplowing Swalolwing Swalkowing Swallkowing Swaloowing Swalloowing

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