Neds Atomic Dustbin

Could you mind be as shallow

As my five o'clock shadow?

Can things change this fast?

The one that you wanted is past tense

At present my presence no longer makes sense

At present you're too tense

Now I never said I'm the be-all and end-all

But you had to end it all, as soon as you'd seen more

I never said I was worth less or worth less or worth more

Does it have to be this ugly?

It's not like i stole your possessions or money

Things change this fast

The one that I wanted is past tense

At present your presence no longer makes sense

At present I'm too tense

But you'd know it

You'd know it all

Now I never said I'm the be-all and end-all

But you had to end it all, as soon as you'd seen more

I never said I was worth less or worth more

Mirror lyrics:

I never said I was worth less or worth more

But you had to end it all, as soon as you'd seen more

Now I never said I'm the be-all and end-all

You'd know it all

But you'd know it

At present I'm too tense

At present your presence no longer makes sense

The one that I wanted is past tense

Things change this fast

It's not like i stole your possessions or money

Does it have to be this ugly?

I never said I was worth less or worth less or worth more

But you had to end it all, as soon as you'd seen more

Now I never said I'm the be-all and end-all

At present you're too tense

At present my presence no longer makes sense

The one that you wanted is past tense

Can things change this fast?

As my five o'clock shadow?

Could you mind be as shallow

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