Deep Inside, I Plant The Devils Seed

left it all behind
surely insane
divine pleasure
probing outer reaches of inner mind
a light appears showing first sign
gateway opens, passage revealed
no turning back, the porthole is sealed
chains of leviathan rip your flesh
on his knees... jesus wept
open the box
seal your fate
passage to the darkside
which you create
lament configuration souls of hate
obey damnation wrath
dark figures surface seen at last
don't try to bargain or pay the toll
for if you cheat them, they'll tear your soul apart
spare no mercy or shed a tear
they live on suffering and strive on fear
broken will to give
at last to repent
ruler of this world

Mirror lyrics:

ruler of this world
at last to repent
broken will to give
they live on suffering and strive on fear
spare no mercy or shed a tear
for if you cheat them, they'll tear your soul apart
don't try to bargain or pay the toll
dark figures surface seen at last
obey damnation wrath
lament configuration souls of hate
which you create
passage to the darkside
seal your fate
open the box
on his knees... jesus wept
chains of leviathan rip your flesh
no turning back, the porthole is sealed
gateway opens, passage revealed
a light appears showing first sign
probing outer reaches of inner mind
divine pleasure
surely insane
left it all behind

Relevant Tags:
DDeep IInside, II PPlant TThe DDevils SSeed eep nside, lant he evils eed eDep nIside, I lPant hTe eDvils eSed xeep jnside, j 0lant fhe xevils zeed
xDeep jInside, jI 0Plant fThe xDevils zSeed Dxeep Ijnside, Ij P0lant Tfhe Dxevils Szeed eeep 9nside, 9 llant 5he eevils weed eDeep 9Inside, 9I lPlant 5The eDevils wSeed
Deeep I9nside, I9 Pllant T5he Deevils Sweed feep lnside, l olant hhe fevils deed fDeep lInside, lI oPlant hThe fDevils dSeed Dfeep Ilnside, Il Polant Thhe Dfevils Sdeed
reep onside, o yhe revils eeed rDeep oInside, oI Pant yThe rDevils eSeed Dreep Ionside, Io Palnt Tyhe Drevils Seeed ceep knside, k Pkant 6he cevils xeed
cDeep kInside, kI Pklant 6The cDevils xSeed Dceep Iknside, Ik Plkant T6he Dcevils Sxeed seep 8nside, 8 Poant ghe sevils aeed sDeep 8Inside, 8I gThe sDevils aSeed
Dseep I8nside, I8 Ploant Tghe Dsevils Saeed unside, u Ppant rhe Dep uInside, uI Pplant rThe Dvils Sed Deep Iunside, Iu Plpant Trhe Dveils Seed
Dsep Innside, Plaant Dsvils Ssed Iside, Plnt Te Sseed Desep Isnide, Plnat Teh Desvils Sesed D3ep Imside, Plznt Tje D3vils S3ed
D3eep Imnside, Plzant Tjhe D3evils S3eed De3ep Inmside, Plaznt Thje De3vils Se3ed Dfep Ihside, Plqnt Tue Dfvils Sfed Ihnside, Plqant Tuhe Sfeed
Defep Inhside, Plaqnt Thue Defvils Sefed Drep Ijside, Plsnt Tne Drvils Sred Plsant Tnhe Sreed Derep Injside, Plasnt Thne Dervils Sered
D4ep Ibside, Plwnt Tbe D4vils S4ed D4eep Ibnside, Plwant Tbhe D4evils S4eed De4ep Inbside, Plawnt Thbe De4vils Se4ed Ddep Insside, Plxnt Tge Ddvils Sded
Ddeep Inide, Plxant Ddevils Dedep Inisde, Plaxnt Thge Dedvils Seded Dwep Inzide, Plannt Tye Dwvils Swed Dweep Inzside, Plat Dwevils
Dewep Inszide, Platn Thye Dewvils Sewed Inwide, Plamt Thee Devvils Inwside, Plamnt Th Deils Depe Inswide, Planmt The Deivls Sede
Desp Indide, Plaht Ths Debils Sesd Indside, Plahnt Thse Debvils Deesp Insdide, Planht Thes Devbils Seesd De3p Ineide, Plajt Th3 Decils Se3d
Ineside, Plajnt Th3e Decvils Dee3p Inseide, Planjt The3 Devcils See3d Defp Inxide, Plabt Thf Degils Sefd Inxside, Plabnt Thfe Degvils
Deefp Insxide, Planbt Thef Devgils Seefd Derp Inaide, Plantt Thr Defils Serd Inaside, Plan Thre Deerp Insaide, Plant Ther Devfils Seerd
De4p Insiide, Planf Th4 Deviils Se4d Insde, Planft Th4e Devls Dee4p Insdie, Plantf The4 Devlis See4d

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