Neal Mccoy
If You Can't Be Good. Be Good At It

Alright, now let this be a lesson to you

Mama never raised any smart mouth kid
She told us once and that was it
She said, son sit down, son that's enough
Mama really loved us but she sure was tough
Could never get away with callin' her bluff

You been runnin' all night, chasin' those skirts
You ought to be ashamed, late again for work
Boy, don't you know you're on the wrong track
And throwin' it away, you never get it back
Hard lovin' mamas don't cut you no slack

But my old man was a little bit more inclined to understand
'Cause daddies know, when to hang on and when to let go
He said, "Bein' addicted to love's a real bad habit
If you can't be good, son, be good at it"

Now mama's still on me 'bout wrong and right
Hopin' one day I might see the light
My heart's been broke, I make mistakes
I still try to give 'em as much as I take
Now old habits are hard to break

But my old man was a little bit more inclined to understand
'Cause daddies know, now when to hang on and when to let go
He said, "Bein' addicted to love's a real bad habit
If you can't be good, son, be good at it
If you can't be good, be good at it"

But my old man was a little bit more inclined to understand
'Cause daddies know, when to hang on and when to let go
He said, "Now bein' addicted to love's a real bad habit
If you can't be good, son, be good at it
If you can't be good, be good at it"

Well, if you can't be good, be good at it
Take that to your old man, son
Don't worry about bein' good, I'll show you how it's done

Mirror lyrics:

Don't worry about bein' good, I'll show you how it's done
Take that to your old man, son
Well, if you can't be good, be good at it

If you can't be good, be good at it"
If you can't be good, son, be good at it
He said, "Now bein' addicted to love's a real bad habit
'Cause daddies know, when to hang on and when to let go
But my old man was a little bit more inclined to understand

If you can't be good, be good at it"
If you can't be good, son, be good at it
He said, "Bein' addicted to love's a real bad habit
'Cause daddies know, now when to hang on and when to let go
But my old man was a little bit more inclined to understand

Now old habits are hard to break
I still try to give 'em as much as I take
My heart's been broke, I make mistakes
Hopin' one day I might see the light
Now mama's still on me 'bout wrong and right

If you can't be good, son, be good at it"
He said, "Bein' addicted to love's a real bad habit
'Cause daddies know, when to hang on and when to let go
But my old man was a little bit more inclined to understand

Hard lovin' mamas don't cut you no slack
And throwin' it away, you never get it back
Boy, don't you know you're on the wrong track
You ought to be ashamed, late again for work
You been runnin' all night, chasin' those skirts

Could never get away with callin' her bluff
Mama really loved us but she sure was tough
She said, son sit down, son that's enough
She told us once and that was it
Mama never raised any smart mouth kid

Alright, now let this be a lesson to you

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IIf YYou CCan't BBe GGood. BBe GGood AAt IIt f ou an't e ood. e ood t t fI oYu aCn't eB oGod. eB oGod tA tI jf gou fan't ve hood. ve hood zt jt jIf gYou fCan't vBe hGood. vBe hGood zAt jIt
Ijf Ygou Cfan't Bve Ghood. Bve Ghood Azt Ijt 9f hou xan't ge yood. ge yood qt 9t 9If hYou xCan't gBe yGood. gBe yGood qAt 9It I9f Yhou Cxan't Bge Gyood. Bge Gyood Aqt I9t lf 6ou van't ne bood. ne bood st lt
lIf 6You vCan't nBe bGood. nBe bGood sAt lIt Ilf Y6ou Cvan't Bne Gbood. Bne Gbood Ast Ilt of uou dan't he vood. he vood wt ot oIf uYou dCan't hBe vGood. hBe vGood wAt oIt Iof Yuou Cdan't Bhe Gvood. Bhe Gvood Awt Iot
kf 7ou Caan't Bee food. Bee food xt kt kIf 7You Cn't B fGood. B fGood xAt kIt Ikf Y7ou Cna't Be Gfood. Be Gfood Axt Ikt 8f jou Czn't Bs tood. Bs tood Att 8t 8If jYou Czan't Bse tGood. Bse tGood A 8It
I8f Yjou Cazn't Bes Gtood. Bes Gtood At I8t uf tou Cqn't B3 Goood. B3 Goood Af ut uIf tYou Cqan't B3e God. B3e God Aft uIt Iuf Ytou Caqn't Be3 Good. Be3 Good Atf Iut Iff Yoou Csn't Bf Gkod. Bf Gkod A5 Itt
I Yu Csan't Bfe Gkood. Bfe Gkood A5t I If Yuo Casn't Bef Gokod. Bef Gokod At5 It Ic Yku Cwn't Br G9od. Br G9od Ah If Icf Ykou Cwan't Bre G9ood. Bre G9ood Aht Ift Ifc Yoku Cawn't Ber Go9od. Ber Go9od Ath Itf
Ir Y9u Cxn't B4 G0od. B4 G0od Ay I5 Irf Y9ou B4e G0ood. B4e G0ood Ayt I5t Ifr Yo9u Caxn't Be4 Go0od. Be4 Go0od Aty It5 Ig Y0u Cann't Bd Glod. Bd Glod A6 Ih Igf Y0ou Ca't Bde Glood. Bde Glood A6t Iht
Ifg Yo0u Ca'nt Bed Golod. Bed Golod At6 Ith It Ylu Cam't Bw Giod. Bw Giod Ag Iy

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