May The Sunshine

May the sun, the sun shine bright
May the sun shine bright on you
May the sun, the sun shine bright
May the sun shine bright on you

Someone woke me up again last night
Talkin' to me about my last time
Don't tell me I know it's late
Please, please lay me down a line
Pick me up before I start to fall
Never let your dreams grow small

May the sun, the sun shine bright
May the sun shine bright on you
May the sun, the sun shine bright
May the sun shine bright on you

Talkin' to my lover, she was out
It was independence day
Don't be nervous , you can hold me tight
Someone turned the light out on the stairs
Was it just the wind I heard
Just another helping hand

May the sun, the sun shine bright
May the sun shine bright on you
May the sun, the sun shine bright
May the sun shine bright on you

Take me back down the yellow brick road
Let me get my ticket to your heart
Stranger's hidin' on my land
Could it be it's keepin' me apart
Give me time don't you gimme no love
Let the sunshine in your heart

Mirror lyrics:

Let the sunshine in your heart
Give me time don't you gimme no love
Could it be it's keepin' me apart
Stranger's hidin' on my land
Let me get my ticket to your heart
Take me back down the yellow brick road

May the sun shine bright on you
May the sun, the sun shine bright
May the sun shine bright on you
May the sun, the sun shine bright

Just another helping hand
Was it just the wind I heard
Someone turned the light out on the stairs
Don't be nervous , you can hold me tight
It was independence day
Talkin' to my lover, she was out

May the sun shine bright on you
May the sun, the sun shine bright
May the sun shine bright on you
May the sun, the sun shine bright

Never let your dreams grow small
Pick me up before I start to fall
Please, please lay me down a line
Don't tell me I know it's late
Talkin' to me about my last time
Someone woke me up again last night

May the sun shine bright on you
May the sun, the sun shine bright
May the sun shine bright on you
May the sun, the sun shine bright

Relevant Tags:
MMay TThe SSunshine ay he unshine aMy hTe uSnshine jay fhe zunshine jMay fThe zSunshine Mjay Tfhe Szunshine kay 5he wunshine
kMay 5The wSunshine Mkay T5he Swunshine nay hhe dunshine nMay hThe dSunshine Mnay Thhe Sdunshine Maay yhe eunshine My yThe eSunshine
Mya Tyhe Seunshine Mzy 6he xunshine Mzay 6The xSunshine Mazy T6he Sxunshine Mqy ghe aunshine Mqay gThe aSunshine Maqy Tghe Saunshine
Msy rhe Suunshine Msay rThe Snshine Masy Trhe Snushine Mwy Shnshine Mway Te Shunshine Mawy Teh Suhnshine Mxy Tje S7nshine
Mxay Tjhe S7unshine Maxy Thje Su7nshine Mayy Tue Sknshine Ma Tuhe Skunshine May Thue Suknshine Mag Tne Sinshine Magy Tnhe Siunshine
Mayg Thne Suinshine Mah Tbe S8nshine Mahy Tbhe S8unshine Mayh Thbe Su8nshine Ma6 Tge Sjnshine Ma6y Sjunshine May6 Thge Sujnshine
Mau Tye Synshine Mauy Syunshine Mayu Thye Suynshine Ma7 Thee Sunnshine Ma7y Th Sushine May7 The Susnhine Maj Ths Sumshine
Majy Thse Sumnshine Mayj Thes Sunmshine Mat Th3 Suhshine Maty Th3e Mayt The3 Sunhshine Thf Sujshine Thfe
Thef Sunjshine Thr Subshine Thre Subnshine Ther Sunbshine Th4 Sunsshine Th4e Sunhine The4 Sunhsine
Thd Sunzhine Thde Sunzshine Thed Sunszhine Thw Sunwhine Thwe Sunwshine Thew Sunswhine Sundhine
Sundshine Sunsdhine Sunehine Suneshine Sunsehine Sunxhine Sunxshine
Sunsxhine Sunahine Sunashine

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