Per Gessle
Come Back Tomorrow (and We Do It Again)

We keep a hideaway
A holy place to go to

Oh put them on we love to move along
We got them records
Im happy you could join too

Oh put them on we love to sing along
All the good years
Youve saved inside a can
Are on the jukebox
Just around the bend

And if you like it and you have another dime to spend
Come back tomorrow and we do it again

Hey its saturday night
And im the lucky one

Oh put them on we love to move along
We got them records
Hey baby, check that yellow one

Oh put it on we love to sing along
I love your dress
Id love to be your friend
Jump in my car
Its big enough for ten

And if you like it and you have a little time to spend
Come back tomorrow and we do it again

Mirror lyrics:

Come back tomorrow and we do it again
And if you like it and you have a little time to spend

Its big enough for ten
Jump in my car
Id love to be your friend
I love your dress
Oh put it on we love to sing along

Hey baby, check that yellow one
We got them records
Oh put them on we love to move along

And im the lucky one
Hey its saturday night

Come back tomorrow and we do it again
And if you like it and you have another dime to spend

Just around the bend
Are on the jukebox
Youve saved inside a can
All the good years
Oh put them on we love to sing along

Im happy you could join too
We got them records
Oh put them on we love to move along

A holy place to go to
We keep a hideaway

Relevant Tags:
CCome BBack TTomorrow ((and WWe DDo IIt AAgain) ome ack omorrow and e o t gain) oCme aBck oTmorrow a(nd eW oD tI gAain)
fome vack fomorrow (aand ae xo jt zgain) fCome vBack fTomorrow (nd aWe xDo jIt zAgain) Cfome Bvack Tfomorrow (nad Wae Dxo Ijt Azgain)
xome gack 5omorrow (znd 3e eo 9t qgain) xCome gBack 5Tomorrow (zand 3We eDo 9It qAgain) Cxome Bgack T5omorrow (aznd W3e Deo I9t Aqgain)
vome nack homorrow (qnd de fo lt sgain) vCome nBack hTomorrow (qand dWe fDo lIt sAgain) Cvome Bnack Thomorrow (aqnd Wde Dfo Ilt Asgain)
dome hack yomorrow (snd ee ro ot wgain) dCome hBack yTomorrow (sand eWe rDo oIt wAgain) Cdome Bhack Tyomorrow (asnd Wee Dro Iot Awgain)
Coome Baack 6omorrow (wnd se co kt xgain) Cme Bck 6Tomorrow (wand sWe cDo kIt xAgain) Cmoe Bcak T6omorrow (awnd Wse Dco Ikt Axgain)
Ckme Bzck gomorrow (xnd 2e so 8t Aggain) Ckome Bzack gTomorrow (xand 2We sDo 8It Aain) Cokme Bazck Tgomorrow (axnd W2e Dso I8t Aagin)
C9me Bqck romorrow (annd qe Doo ut Ahain) C9ome Bqack rTomorrow (ad qWe D uIt Ahgain) Co9me Baqck Tromorrow (adn Wqe Do Iut Aghain)
C0me Bsck Toomorrow (amd Dk Itt Ayain) C0ome Bsack Tmorrow (amnd W Dko I Aygain) Co0me Basck Tmoorrow (anmd We Dok It Agyain)
Clme Bwck Tkmorrow (ahd Ws D9 If Abain) Clome Bwack Tkomorrow (ahnd D9o Ift Abgain) Colme Bawck Tokmorrow (anhd Wes Do9 Itf Agbain)
Cime Bxck T9morrow (ajd W3 D0 I5 Avain) Ciome Bxack T9omorrow (ajnd D0o I5t Avgain) Coime Baxck To9morrow (anjd We3 Do0 It5 Agvain)
Comme Bacck T0morrow (abd Wf Dl Ih Afain) Coe Bak T0omorrow (abnd Wfe Dlo Iht Afgain) Coem Bakc To0morrow (anbd Wef Dol Ith Agfain)
Coje Bafk Tlmorrow (andd Wr Di Iy Atain) Cojme Bafck Tlomorrow (an Wre Dio Iyt Atgain) Comje Bacfk Tolmorrow (and Wer Doi Ity Agtain)
Coke Baxk Timorrow (anx W4 I6 Agaain) Tiomorrow (anxd W4e I6t Agin) Comke Bacxk Toimorrow (andx We4 It6 Agian)
Cone Bavk Tommorrow (ane Wd Ig Agzin) Conme Bavck Toorrow (aned Igt Agzain) Comne Bacvk Toomrrow (ande Wed Itg Agazin)
Comee Badk Tojorrow (anf Ww Ir Agqin) Com Badck Tojmorrow (anfd Wwe Irt Agqain) Come Bacdk Tomjorrow (andf Wew Itr Agaqin)
Coms Backk Tokorrow (anr Agsin) Comse Bac (anrd Agsain) Comes Back Tomkorrow (andr Agasin)
Com3 Bacl Tonorrow (anc Agwin) Com3e Baclk Tonmorrow (ancd Agwain) Come3 Backl Tomnorrow (andc Agawin)
Comf Baco Tomoorrow (ans Agxin) Comfe Bacok Tomrrow (ansd Agxain) Comef Backo Tomrorow (ands Agaxin)
Comr Bacm Tomkrrow Agaiin) Comre Bacmk Agan) Comer Backm Tomokrrow Agani)
Com4 Bacj Tom9rrow Agajn) Com4e Bacjk Tom9orrow Agajin) Come4 Backj Tomo9rrow Agaijn)
Comd Baci Tom0rrow Aga9n) Comde Bacik Tom0orrow Aga9in) Comed Backi Tomo0rrow Agai9n)
Comw Tomlrrow Agaln) Comwe Tomlorrow Agalin) Comew Tomolrrow Agailn)
Tomirrow Agaon) Tomiorrow Agaoin) Tomoirrow Agaion)
Tomorrrow Agakn) Tomorow Agakin) Tomorrow Agaikn)

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