Pere Ubu
Over My Head

It's pretty cute the way she tucks me in at dawn
And how I pray that I never should sin again
Uh oh
Here it comes
It's going over my head
It's over my head
In the gas her eyes are imagined
And what she sees cannot be detected
It's over my head
That, she said, and that went by
This, she says, and this may too
Oh no
There it goes
It's over my head

Mirror lyrics:

It's over my head
There it goes
Oh no
This, she says, and this may too
That, she said, and that went by
It's over my head
And what she sees cannot be detected
In the gas her eyes are imagined
It's over my head
It's going over my head
Here it comes
Uh oh
And how I pray that I never should sin again
It's pretty cute the way she tucks me in at dawn

Relevant Tags:
OOver MMy HHead ver y ead vOer yM eHad kver jy jead kOver jMy jHead Okver Mjy Hjead 9ver ky uead 9Over kMy uHead O9ver Mky Huead
0ver ny nead 0Over nMy nHead O0ver Mny Hnead lver Myy bead lOver M bHead Olver My Hbead iver Mg gead iOver Mgy gHead Oiver Myg Hgead
Ovver Mh yead Oer Mhy yHead Oevr Myh Hyead Ober M6 Heead Obver M6y Had Ovber My6 Haed Ocer Mu Hsad Ocver Muy Hsead Ovcer Myu Hesad
Oger M7 H3ad Ogver M7y H3ead Ovger My7 He3ad Ofer Mj Hfad Ofver Hfead Ovfer Myj Hefad Oveer Mt Hrad Ovr Mty Hread Ovre Myt Herad
Ovsr H4ad Ovser H4ead Ovesr He4ad Ov3r Hdad

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