Natalie Merchant
Come Take A Trip In My Airship

I, once loved a sailor.
Once, a sailor loved me.
But he was not a sailor,
that sailed on the wide blue sea.
He, sailed in an airship;
Sailed like a bird on the wind;
And every evening at midnight,
he would come to my window and sing:

Come take a Trip in my Airship,
come sail away to the stars!
We'll travel to Venus,
we'll sail away to Mars!
No one will see while we're kissing
No one will know as we swoon.
So come take a Trip in my Airship,
and we'll visit the Man in the Moon!

One night while sailing away from the crowds,
we passed by the Milky White Way.
While idly drifting, watching the clouds,
he asked if I'd name the day!
Just by the Dipper, I gave him my heart,
the sun shone on our honeymoon.
We swore to each other, we never would part,
and we'd teach all the babies this tune.


Mirror lyrics:


and we'd teach all the babies this tune.
We swore to each other, we never would part,
the sun shone on our honeymoon.
Just by the Dipper, I gave him my heart,
he asked if I'd name the day!
While idly drifting, watching the clouds,
we passed by the Milky White Way.
One night while sailing away from the crowds,

and we'll visit the Man in the Moon!
So come take a Trip in my Airship,
No one will know as we swoon.
No one will see while we're kissing
we'll sail away to Mars!
We'll travel to Venus,
come sail away to the stars!
Come take a Trip in my Airship,

he would come to my window and sing:
And every evening at midnight,
Sailed like a bird on the wind;
He, sailed in an airship;
that sailed on the wide blue sea.
But he was not a sailor,
Once, a sailor loved me.
I, once loved a sailor.

Relevant Tags:
CCome TTake AA TTrip IIn MMy AAirship ome ake rip n y irship oCme aTke A rTip nI yM iArship fome fake z frip jn jy zirship fCome fTake zA fTrip jIn jMy zAirship
Cfome Tfake Az Tfrip Ijn Mjy Azirship xome 5ake q 5rip 9n ky qirship xCome 5Take qA 5Trip 9In kMy qAirship Cxome T5ake Aq T5rip I9n Mky Aqirship vome hake s hrip ln ny sirship
vCome hTake sA hTrip lIn nMy sAirship Cvome Thake As Thrip Iln Mny Asirship dome yake w yrip on Myy wirship dCome yTake wA yTrip oIn M wAirship Cdome Tyake Aw Tyrip Ion My Awirship
Coome 6ake x 6rip kn Mg xirship Cme 6Take xA 6Trip kIn Mgy xAirship Cmoe T6ake Ax T6rip Ikn Myg Axirship Ckme gake grip 8n Mh Aiirship Ckome gTake gTrip 8In Mhy Arship
Cokme Tgake Tgrip I8n Myh Ariship C9me rake rrip un M6 Ajrship C9ome rTake rTrip uIn M6y Ajirship Co9me Trake Trrip Iun My6 Aijrship C0me Taake Inn Mu A9rship
C0ome Tke Tip I Muy A9irship Co0me Tkae Tirp In Myu Ai9rship Clme Tzke Tdip Im M7 Alrship Clome Tzake Tdrip Imn M7y Alirship Colme Tazke Trdip Inm My7 Ailrship
Cime Tqke T4ip Ih Mj Aorship Ciome Tqake T4rip Ihn Aoirship Coime Taqke Tr4ip Inh Myj Aiorship Comme Tske Tgip Ij Mt Akrship Coe Tsake Mty Akirship
Coem Taske Trgip Inj Myt Aikrship Coje Twke Ttip Ib A8rship Cojme Twake Ttrip Ibn A8irship Comje Tawke Trtip Inb Ai8rship Coke Txke T5ip Aurship
Txake Auirship Comke Taxke Tr5ip Aiurship Cone Takke Tfip Airrship Conme Tae Aiship Comne Taek Trfip Aisrhip
Comee Tale Teip Aidship Com Talke Terip Aidrship Come Takle Treip Airdship Coms Taoe Triip Ai4ship Comse Taoke Trp Ai4rship
Comes Takoe Trpi Air4ship Com3 Tame Trjp Aigship Com3e Tamke Trjip Aigrship Come3 Takme Trijp Airgship Comf Taje Tr9p Aitship
Comfe Tajke Tr9ip Aitrship Comef Takje Tri9p Airtship Comr Taie Trlp Ai5ship Comre Taike Trlip Ai5rship Comer Takie Trilp Air5ship
Com4 Takee Trop Aifship Com4e Tak Troip Aifrship Come4 Take Triop Airfship Comd Taks Trkp Aieship Comde Takse Trkip Aiership
Comed Takes Trikp Aireship Comw Tak3 Tr8p Airsship Comwe Tak3e Tr8ip Airhip Comew Take3 Tri8p Airhsip

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