Natalie Grant
That's When I'll Give Up (on Loving You)

No heartbeat is always steady
Angels have halos already
Please- don't think you're proving
yourself all the time
I don't need you to be perfect
I know the wait will be worth it
You and me baby we're only just
learning to shine

You should know
this my love
How far I'll go
here's when I'll give up

When the sun is coming up at midnight
When the clocks have all run out of time
When the snow- falls in june
That's when I'll give up (on loving you)
When the earth is finished spinning around
When it's raining up instead of down
When a dream-can't come true
When the rivers all run out of blue
That's when I'll give up (on loving you)

You'll never run out of chances
I don't need you to have all the answers
Love isn't something that has to be
Put to the test

Love like this
can't be undone
I'm telling you
If the day should come

(Repeat Chorus)

As you're walking through the world
You gotta know
I'll be with you everywhere you go
You can spread your wings or run
Back to my arms
I will always hold you in my heart- baby

You'll always be
a part of me
Baby can't you see

(Repeat Chorus)

Mirror lyrics:

(Repeat Chorus)

Baby can't you see
a part of me
You'll always be

I will always hold you in my heart- baby
Back to my arms
You can spread your wings or run
I'll be with you everywhere you go
You gotta know
As you're walking through the world

(Repeat Chorus)

If the day should come
I'm telling you
can't be undone
Love like this

Put to the test
Love isn't something that has to be
I don't need you to have all the answers
You'll never run out of chances

That's when I'll give up (on loving you)
When the rivers all run out of blue
When a dream-can't come true
When it's raining up instead of down
When the earth is finished spinning around
That's when I'll give up (on loving you)
When the snow- falls in june
When the clocks have all run out of time
When the sun is coming up at midnight

here's when I'll give up
How far I'll go
this my love
You should know

learning to shine
You and me baby we're only just
I know the wait will be worth it
I don't need you to be perfect
yourself all the time
Please- don't think you're proving
Angels have halos already
No heartbeat is always steady

Relevant Tags:
TThat's WWhen II'll GGive UUp ((on LLoving YYou) hat's hen 'll ive p on oving ou) hTat's hWen 'Ill iGve pU o(n oLving oYu)
fhat's ahen j'll hive hp (oon koving gou) fThat's aWhen jI'll hGive hUp (n kLoving gYou) Tfhat's Wahen Ij'll Ghive Uhp (no Lkoving Ygou)
5hat's 3hen 9'll yive 7p (kn ooving hou) 5That's 3When 9I'll yGive 7Up (kon oLoving hYou) T5hat's W3hen I9'll Gyive U7p (okn Looving Yhou)
hhat's dhen l'll bive kp (9n poving 6ou) hThat's dWhen lI'll bGive kUp (9on pLoving 6You) Thhat's Wdhen Il'll Gbive Ukp (o9n Lpoving Y6ou)
yhat's ehen o'll vive ip (0n uou) yThat's eWhen oI'll vGive iUp (0on Lving uYou) Tyhat's Wehen Io'll Gvive Uip (o0n Lvoing Yuou)
6hat's shen k'll five 8p (ln Lkving 7ou) 6That's sWhen kI'll fGive 8Up (lon 7You) T6hat's Wshen Ik'll Gfive U8p (oln Lokving Y7ou)
ghat's 2hen 8'll tive jp (in L9ving jou) gThat's 2When 8I'll tGive jUp (ion L9oving jYou) Tghat's W2hen I8'll Gtive Ujp (oin Lo9ving Yjou)
rhat's qhen u'll Giive yp (onn L0ving tou) rThat's qWhen uI'll Gve yUp (o L0oving tYou) Trhat's Wqhen Iu'll Gvie Uyp (on Lo0ving Ytou)
Whhen I''ll Gjve Upp (om Llving Yoou) Tat's Wen Ill Gjive U (omn Lloving Yu) Taht's Wehn Il'l Gijve Up (onm Lolving Yuo)
Tjat's Wjen I'lll G9ve U0 (oh Living Yku) Tjhat's Wjhen I'l G9ive U0p (ohn Lioving Ykou) Thjat's Whjen I'll Gi9ve Up0 (onh Loiving Yoku)
Tuat's Wuen I'kl Glve Ul (oj Lovving Y9u) Tuhat's Wuhen I'kll Glive Ulp (ojn Loing Y9ou) Thuat's Whuen I'lkl Gilve Upl (onj Loivng Yo9u)
Tnat's Wnen I'ol Gove Uo (ob Lobing Y0u) Tnhat's Wnhen I'oll Goive Uop (obn Lobving Y0ou) Thnat's Whnen I'lol Giove Upo (onb Lovbing Yo0u)
Tbat's Wben I'pl Gkve Locing Ylu) Tbhat's Wbhen I'pll Gkive Locving Ylou) Thbat's Whben I'lpl Gikve Lovcing Yolu)
Tgat's Wgen G8ve Loging Yiu) Wghen G8ive Logving Yiou) Thgat's Whgen Gi8ve Lovging Yoiu)
Tyat's Wyen I'lk Guve Lofing Youu) Wyhen Guive Lofving Yo) Thyat's Whyen I'llk Giuve Lovfing Yo)u
Thaat's Wheen I'lo Givve Loviing Yoh) Tht's Whn Gie Lovng Yohu) Thta's Whne I'llo Giev Lovnig Youh)
Thzt's Whsn I'lp Gibe Lovjng Yo7) Thzat's Whsen Gibve Lovjing Yo7u) Thazt's Whesn I'llp Givbe Lovijng You7)
Thqt's Wh3n Gice Lov9ng Yok) Thqat's Wh3en Gicve Lov9ing Thaqt's Whe3n Givce Lovi9ng Youk)

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