Natalie Brown
Around The World

(N. Brown /J. Rwakaara)
© Copyright 2008 natfunk music BMI / Zikki Publishing ASCAP

Pack your bags letÂ's get away
IÂ'm in the mood to leave today
DonÂ't you worry Â'bout the rent and all the bills
Cuz theyÂ've been paid
Tell your boss that youÂ're on leave
Call your friends and family
Hold the mail
And change the message on your voice mail
WeÂ'll be gone for quite some time
Lots of places we can fly
People everywhere will see
Our message written in the sky
YouÂ're all work and IÂ'm all play
Why donÂ't we just meet half way
Pack your bags, I want to leave today

I wanna rock around the world
Take you on a carpet ride
No need to rush, letÂ's take our time
Unwind, to the beat of life

Chocolate San Francisco treats
WeÂ'll be dancing in the streets
Make our way to Mardi Gras and funky Blues in New Orleans
RioÂ's Sugarloaf weÂ'll climb
Listen to the Big Ben chime
Ride the ferry, cross the channel with Parisian Pantomimes
Travel to the Taj Mahal
See the wonders of Nepal
Listen to the roaring thunder of the waters of the Nile
Barrel down Niagara Falls
In Ibiza lose control
Pack your bags, I want to leave today

I wanna rock around the world
Take you on a carpet ride
No need to rush, letÂ's take our time
Unwind, to the beat of life

LetÂ's rock around the world
And roll together
eh-eh, eh-eh, eh-eh-eh-eh
WeÂ'll rock around the world
And roll together
eh-eh, eh-eh, eh-eh-eh-eh

WeÂ'll have all that we need
It will be you and me
And the places weÂ'll see
ThereÂ'll be treasures to find
In the sparkling sky
WeÂ'll fulfill our desires
Let your spirit fly free
ThereÂ's no place we canÂ't be
WeÂ'll do more than sightsee
LifeÂ's a journey we should take
Lots of memories weÂ'll make
Pack your bags, I want to leave today

I wanna rock around the world
Take you on a carpet ride
No need to rush, letÂ's take our time
Unwind, to the beat of life

Mirror lyrics:

Unwind, to the beat of life
No need to rush, letÂ's take our time
Take you on a carpet ride
I wanna rock around the world

Pack your bags, I want to leave today
Lots of memories weÂ'll make
LifeÂ's a journey we should take
WeÂ'll do more than sightsee
ThereÂ's no place we canÂ't be
Let your spirit fly free
WeÂ'll fulfill our desires
In the sparkling sky
ThereÂ'll be treasures to find
And the places weÂ'll see
It will be you and me
WeÂ'll have all that we need

eh-eh, eh-eh, eh-eh-eh-eh
And roll together
WeÂ'll rock around the world
eh-eh, eh-eh, eh-eh-eh-eh
And roll together
LetÂ's rock around the world

Unwind, to the beat of life
No need to rush, letÂ's take our time
Take you on a carpet ride
I wanna rock around the world

Pack your bags, I want to leave today
In Ibiza lose control
Barrel down Niagara Falls
Listen to the roaring thunder of the waters of the Nile
See the wonders of Nepal
Travel to the Taj Mahal
Ride the ferry, cross the channel with Parisian Pantomimes
Listen to the Big Ben chime
RioÂ's Sugarloaf weÂ'll climb
Make our way to Mardi Gras and funky Blues in New Orleans
WeÂ'll be dancing in the streets
Chocolate San Francisco treats

Unwind, to the beat of life
No need to rush, letÂ's take our time
Take you on a carpet ride
I wanna rock around the world

Pack your bags, I want to leave today
Why donÂ't we just meet half way
YouÂ're all work and IÂ'm all play
Our message written in the sky
People everywhere will see
Lots of places we can fly
WeÂ'll be gone for quite some time
And change the message on your voice mail
Hold the mail
Call your friends and family
Tell your boss that youÂ're on leave
Cuz theyÂ've been paid
DonÂ't you worry Â'bout the rent and all the bills
IÂ'm in the mood to leave today
Pack your bags letÂ's get away

© Copyright 2008 natfunk music BMI / Zikki Publishing ASCAP
(N. Brown /J. Rwakaara)

Relevant Tags:
AAround TThe WWorld round he orld rAound hTe oWrld zround fhe aorld zAround fThe aWorld Azround Tfhe Waorld qround 5he 3orld
qAround 5The 3World Aqround T5he W3orld sround hhe dorld sAround hThe dWorld Asround Thhe Wdorld wround yhe eorld wAround yThe eWorld
Awround Tyhe Weorld xround 6he sorld xAround 6The sWorld Axround T6he Wsorld Arround ghe 2orld Aound gThe 2World Aorund Tghe W2orld
Adound rhe qorld Adround rThe qWorld Ardound Trhe Wqorld A4ound Woorld A4round Te Wrld Ar4ound Teh Wrold Agound Tje Wkrld
Aground Tjhe Wkorld Argound Thje Wokrld Atound Tue W9rld Atround Tuhe W9orld Artound Thue Wo9rld A5ound Tne W0rld A5round Tnhe W0orld
Ar5ound Thne Wo0rld Afound Tbe Wlrld Afround Tbhe Wlorld Arfound Thbe Wolrld Aeound Tge Wirld Aeround Wiorld Areound Thge Woirld
Aroound Tye Worrld Arund Wold Aruond Thye Wolrd Arkund Thee Wodld Arkound Th Wodrld Arokund The Wordld Ar9und Ths Wo4ld
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Arolund Thef Wortld Ariund Thr Wo5ld

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