Natalie Merchant
The Man In The Wilderness

The Man in the wilderness
He asked of me
How many strawberries grow in the salt sea?
And I answered him, as I thought good
As many a ship sails in the wood

The Man in the wilderness
He asked me, Why
His hare could swim and his pig could fly?
And I answered him, as I thought best
They were both born in a cuckoo's nest

The Man in the wilderness
Asked me to tell
Tell all the sands in the sea and I counted them well
And with the grain, well, not one more
I answered him, you go make sure

Said with the grain, well, not one more
I answered him, you go make sure
I answered him, go make sure

Mirror lyrics:

I answered him, go make sure
I answered him, you go make sure
Said with the grain, well, not one more

I answered him, you go make sure
And with the grain, well, not one more
Tell all the sands in the sea and I counted them well
Asked me to tell
The Man in the wilderness

They were both born in a cuckoo's nest
And I answered him, as I thought best
His hare could swim and his pig could fly?
He asked me, Why
The Man in the wilderness

As many a ship sails in the wood
And I answered him, as I thought good
How many strawberries grow in the salt sea?
He asked of me
The Man in the wilderness

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TThe MMan IIn TThe WWilderness he an n he ilderness hTe aMn nI hTe iWlderness fhe jan jn fhe ailderness fThe jMan jIn fThe aWilderness
Tfhe Mjan Ijn Tfhe Wailderness 5he kan 9n 5he 3ilderness 5The kMan 9In 5The 3Wilderness T5he Mkan I9n T5he W3ilderness hhe nan ln hhe dilderness
hThe nMan lIn hThe dWilderness Thhe Mnan Iln Thhe Wdilderness yhe Maan on yhe eilderness yThe Mn oIn yThe eWilderness Tyhe Mna Ion Tyhe Weilderness
6he Mzn kn 6he silderness 6The Mzan kIn 6The sWilderness T6he Mazn Ikn T6he Wsilderness ghe Mqn 8n ghe 2ilderness gThe Mqan 8In gThe 2Wilderness
Tghe Maqn I8n Tghe W2ilderness rhe Msn un rhe qilderness rThe Msan uIn rThe qWilderness Trhe Masn Iun Trhe Wqilderness Mwn Inn Wiilderness
Te Mwan I Te Wlderness Teh Mawn In Teh Wliderness Tje Mxn Im Tje Wjlderness Tjhe Mxan Imn Tjhe Wjilderness Thje Maxn Inm Thje Wijlderness
Tue Mann Ih Tue W9lderness Tuhe Ma Ihn Tuhe W9ilderness Thue Man Inh Thue Wi9lderness Tne Mam Ij Tne Wllderness Tnhe Mamn Tnhe Wlilderness
Thne Manm Inj Thne Willderness Tbe Mah Ib Tbe Wolderness Tbhe Mahn Ibn Tbhe Woilderness Thbe Manh Inb Thbe Wiolderness Tge Maj Tge Wklderness
Majn Wkilderness Thge Manj Thge Wiklderness Tye Mab Tye W8lderness Mabn W8ilderness Thye Manb Thye Wi8lderness
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