Paradise Lost
Close Your Eyes

For our saviour could not deny

All born the same
All born the same

You won't hear the truth
I can feel it, close your eyes
I still see...
You invent the proof
I can feel it, close your eyes
I still see...
You won't hear the truth

Born a failure could not deny

All born the same
All born the same

You won't hear the truth
I can feel it, close your eyes
I still see...
You invent the proof
I can feel it, close your eyes
I still see...
You won't hear the truth

For our saviour could not deny

You won't hear the truth
I can feel it, close your eyes
I still see...
You invent the proof
I can feel it, close your eyes
I still see...
You won't hear the truth

Mirror lyrics:

You won't hear the truth
I still see...
I can feel it, close your eyes
You invent the proof
I still see...
I can feel it, close your eyes
You won't hear the truth

For our saviour could not deny

You won't hear the truth
I still see...
I can feel it, close your eyes
You invent the proof
I still see...
I can feel it, close your eyes
You won't hear the truth

All born the same
All born the same

Born a failure could not deny

You won't hear the truth
I still see...
I can feel it, close your eyes
You invent the proof
I still see...
I can feel it, close your eyes
You won't hear the truth

All born the same
All born the same

For our saviour could not deny

Relevant Tags:
CClose YYour EEyes lose our yes lCose oYur yEes flose gour syes fClose gYour sEyes Cflose Ygour Esyes xlose hour 3yes
xClose hYour 3Eyes Cxlose Yhour E3yes vlose 6our fyes vClose 6Your fEyes Cvlose Y6our Efyes dlose uour ryes dClose uYour rEyes
Cdlose Yuour Eryes Cllose 7our 4yes Cose 7Your 4Eyes Colse Y7our E4yes Ckose jour dyes Cklose jYour dEyes Clkose Yjour Edyes
Coose tour wyes Colose tYour wEyes Cloose Ytour Ewyes Cpose Yoour Eyyes Cplose Yur Ees Clpose Yuor Eeys Ykur Eges
Clse Ykour Egyes Clsoe Yokur Eyges Clkse Y9ur Ehes Y9our Ehyes Clokse Yo9ur Eyhes Cl9se Y0ur E6es Cl9ose Y0our E6yes
Clo9se Yo0ur Ey6es Cl0se Ylur Eues Cl0ose Ylour Euyes Clo0se Yolur Eyues Cllse Yiur E7es Yiour E7yes Clolse Yoiur Ey7es
Clise Youur Ejes Cliose Yor Ejyes Cloise Yoru Eyjes

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