Patrick Park
One Body Breaks

Restless sleep,
I dreamed a dream,
The other night,
Where I rode the back,
Of this blackbird in flight,
Who took me down,
Just to see what I could sow.
Another light in this big city glow.

When I touched down,
I hardly recognized the place no more,
Cause now there were signs,
And they hung from every door.
One said "Please."
One said "No."
And one said "Sure."
One said "Be careful boy,
You know it ain't safe no more."

One body breaks,
One bodys born,
One seam is sewn,
You know one seam is torn,
One person waits for a sign that'll never come,
One person lives each day like it's their last setting sun.

I met a man,
And he wore a diamond ring.
He said the path we take,
Well it can be a funny thing.
"Have you heard them trumpets sound."
"Have you heard them angels sing."
I cried "Dear Lord, won't you spare me please."
His face grew red,
And his voice, well it went higher.
"God damn you boy!"
"You're gunna be fodder for the fire!"
I clicked my heels as I lit up a cigarette,
And I cracked a smile and said,
"Try no to forget."

One body breaks,
One bodys born,
One seam is sewn,
You know one seam is torn,
One person waits for a sign that'll never come,
One person lives each day like it's their last setting sun.

One body breaks,
One bodys born,
One seam is sewn,
You know one seam is torn,
One person waits for a sign that'll never come,
One person lives each day like it's their last setting sun.

Mirror lyrics:

One person lives each day like it's their last setting sun.
One person waits for a sign that'll never come,
You know one seam is torn,
One seam is sewn,
One bodys born,
One body breaks,

One person lives each day like it's their last setting sun.
One person waits for a sign that'll never come,
You know one seam is torn,
One seam is sewn,
One bodys born,
One body breaks,

"Try no to forget."
And I cracked a smile and said,
I clicked my heels as I lit up a cigarette,
"You're gunna be fodder for the fire!"
"God damn you boy!"
And his voice, well it went higher.
His face grew red,
I cried "Dear Lord, won't you spare me please."
"Have you heard them angels sing."
"Have you heard them trumpets sound."
Well it can be a funny thing.
He said the path we take,
And he wore a diamond ring.
I met a man,

One person lives each day like it's their last setting sun.
One person waits for a sign that'll never come,
You know one seam is torn,
One seam is sewn,
One bodys born,
One body breaks,

You know it ain't safe no more."
One said "Be careful boy,
And one said "Sure."
One said "No."
One said "Please."
And they hung from every door.
Cause now there were signs,
I hardly recognized the place no more,
When I touched down,

Another light in this big city glow.
Just to see what I could sow.
Who took me down,
Of this blackbird in flight,
Where I rode the back,
The other night,
I dreamed a dream,
Restless sleep,

Relevant Tags:
OOne BBody BBreaks ne ody reaks nOe oBdy rBeaks kne vody vreaks kOne vBody vBreaks Okne Bvody Bvreaks 9ne gody greaks
9One gBody gBreaks O9ne Bgody Bgreaks 0ne nody nreaks 0One nBody nBreaks O0ne Bnody Bnreaks lne hody hreaks lOne hBody hBreaks
Olne Bhody Bhreaks ine Boody Brreaks iOne Bdy Beaks Oine Bdoy Beraks Onne Bkdy Bdeaks Oe Bkody Bdreaks Oen Bokdy Brdeaks
Ome B9dy B4eaks Omne B9ody B4reaks Onme Bo9dy Br4eaks Ohe B0dy Bgeaks Ohne B0ody Onhe Bo0dy Brgeaks Oje Bldy Bteaks
Ojne Blody Btreaks Onje Boldy Brteaks Obe Bidy B5eaks Obne Biody B5reaks Onbe Boidy Br5eaks Onee Boddy Bfeaks On Boy Bfreaks
One Boyd Brfeaks Ons Boxy Beeaks Onse Boxdy Bereaks Ones Bodxy Breeaks On3 Boey On3e Boedy Braks One3 Bodey Braeks
Onf Bofy Brsaks Onfe Bofdy Brseaks Onef Bodfy Bresaks Onr Bory Br3aks Onre Bordy Br3eaks Oner Bodry Bre3aks On4 Bocy Brfaks
On4e Bocdy One4 Bodcy Brefaks Ond Bosy Brraks Onde Bosdy Oned Bodsy Breraks Onw Bodyy Br4aks Onwe Bod

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