Patsy Cline
Got A Lotta Rhythm In My Soul

Written by Barbara Vaughan and W.S. Stevenson
(As released by Patsy Cline 7/20/59)

Come on dad get with the jive
Lets let em' know that we're alive
Until the break of dawn
We'll yell for more, more, more
Gonna live it up an tear it down
Get in the groove and paint the town
Gotta lot of rhythm in my soul

Well now, baby baby let's go tonight
Together you and me
Baby baby when ya hold me tight
Oo wee whatcha do to me
The big black hands on the clock
Tell me that it's time to rock
Gotta lot of rhythm in my soul

--- Instrumental ---

Big Bad Pete with a crazy bop
When the lights are low an the musics hot
Dance from 2 ta 3 and then a half past 4
When that sun peeks over the hill
I won't stop I'll be rockin' still
Gotta lot of rhythm in my soul

Well now, baby baby let's go tonight
Together you and me
Baby baby when ya hold me tight
Oo wee whatcha do to me
The big black hands on the clock
Tell me that it's time to rock
Gotta lot of rhythm in my soul

--- Instrumental ---

Well now, baby baby let's go tonight
Together you and me
Baby baby when ya hold me tight
Oo wee whatcha do to me
The big black hands on the clock
Tell me that it's time to rock
Gotta lot of rhythm in my soul

Gotta lot of rhythm in my soul...

Mirror lyrics:

Gotta lot of rhythm in my soul...

Gotta lot of rhythm in my soul
Tell me that it's time to rock
The big black hands on the clock
Oo wee whatcha do to me
Baby baby when ya hold me tight
Together you and me
Well now, baby baby let's go tonight

--- Instrumental ---

Gotta lot of rhythm in my soul
Tell me that it's time to rock
The big black hands on the clock
Oo wee whatcha do to me
Baby baby when ya hold me tight
Together you and me
Well now, baby baby let's go tonight

Gotta lot of rhythm in my soul
I won't stop I'll be rockin' still
When that sun peeks over the hill
Dance from 2 ta 3 and then a half past 4
When the lights are low an the musics hot
Big Bad Pete with a crazy bop

--- Instrumental ---

Gotta lot of rhythm in my soul
Tell me that it's time to rock
The big black hands on the clock
Oo wee whatcha do to me
Baby baby when ya hold me tight
Together you and me
Well now, baby baby let's go tonight

Gotta lot of rhythm in my soul
Get in the groove and paint the town
Gonna live it up an tear it down
We'll yell for more, more, more
Until the break of dawn
Lets let em' know that we're alive
Come on dad get with the jive

(As released by Patsy Cline 7/20/59)
Written by Barbara Vaughan and W.S. Stevenson

Relevant Tags:
GGot AA LLotta RRhythm IIn MMy SSoul ot otta hythm n y oul oGt A oLtta hRythm nI yM oSul hot z kotta dhythm jn jy zoul hGot zA kLotta dRhythm jIn jMy zSoul
Ghot Az Lkotta Rdhythm Ijn Mjy Szoul yot q ootta 4hythm 9n ky woul yGot qA oLotta 4Rhythm 9In kMy wSoul Gyot Aq Lootta R4hythm I9n Mky Swoul bot s potta ghythm ln ny doul
bGot sA pLotta gRhythm lIn nMy dSoul Gbot As Lpotta Rghythm Iln Mny Sdoul vot w thythm on Myy eoul vGot wA Ltta tRhythm oIn M eSoul Gvot Aw Ltota Rthythm Ion My Seoul
fot x Lktta 5hythm kn Mg xoul fGot xA 5Rhythm kIn Mgy xSoul Gfot Ax Loktta R5hythm Ikn Myg Sxoul tot L9tta fhythm 8n Mh aoul tGot L9otta fRhythm 8In Mhy aSoul
Gtot Lo9tta Rfhythm I8n Myh Saoul Goot L0tta ehythm un M6 Sooul Gt L0otta eRhythm uIn M6y Sul Gto Lo0tta Rehythm Iun My6 Suol Gkt Lltta Rhhythm Inn Mu Skul
Gkot Llotta Rythm I Muy Skoul Gokt Loltta Ryhthm In Myu Sokul G9t Litta Rjythm Im M7 S9ul G9ot Liotta Rjhythm Imn M7y S9oul Go9t Loitta Rhjythm Inm My7 So9ul
G0t Lottta Ruythm Ih Mj S0ul G0ot Lota Ruhythm Ihn S0oul Go0t Lotta Rhuythm Inh Myj So0ul Glt Lofta Rnythm Ij Mt Slul Glot Loftta Rnhythm Mty Sloul
Golt Lotfta Rhnythm Inj Myt Solul Git Lo5ta Rbythm Ib Siul Giot Lo5tta Rbhythm Ibn Sioul Goit Lot5ta Rhbythm Inb Soiul Gott Lohta Rgythm Souul
Go Lohtta Sol Got Lothta Rhgythm Solu Gof Loyta Ryythm Sohl Goft Loytta Ryhythm Sohul Gotf Lotyta Rhyythm Souhl
Go5 Lo6ta So7l Go5t Lo6tta Rhthm So7ul Got5 Lot6ta Rhtyhm Sou7l Goh Logta Rhgthm Sokl Goht Logtta
Goth Lotgta Rhygthm Soukl Goy Lorta Rhhthm Soil Goyt Lortta Goty Lotrta Rhyhthm Souil Go6 Rh6thm So8l

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