Pat Green
Long Way To Go (headed Home)

You drink one for your memories
You drink one for yourself
You drink one for your family
Last time you saw them was a long time ago

I sing one for the children
You sing one for the miles
You sing one for them pretty green eyes
I'm headed home baby - I got a long way to go

And sing me to sleep sweet city
And let your highway be your lullaby
With nothing in my pocket
No fortune do I know
I'm headed home baby - I got a long way to go

Well you say a little prayer in the morning
You pray for those you left behind
Your heart starts to break as the sun goes down
I'm headed home baby - I got a long way to go

Sing me to sleep little darling
And do that little dance for me
Nothing in my pocket
No fortune do I know
I'm headed home mama - I got a long way to go

I will be there by the morning
And I don't know what makes me leave anyway, anyway, anyway

And God I miss you little darling
And save that little dance for me
With nothing in my pocket
No fortunes do I know
I'm headed home baby - I got a long way to go

It's good to be home
It's good to be home
I'm headed home baby - I got a long way to go

Mirror lyrics:

I'm headed home baby - I got a long way to go
It's good to be home
It's good to be home

I'm headed home baby - I got a long way to go
No fortunes do I know
With nothing in my pocket
And save that little dance for me
And God I miss you little darling

And I don't know what makes me leave anyway, anyway, anyway
I will be there by the morning

I'm headed home mama - I got a long way to go
No fortune do I know
Nothing in my pocket
And do that little dance for me
Sing me to sleep little darling

I'm headed home baby - I got a long way to go
Your heart starts to break as the sun goes down
You pray for those you left behind
Well you say a little prayer in the morning

I'm headed home baby - I got a long way to go
No fortune do I know
With nothing in my pocket
And let your highway be your lullaby
And sing me to sleep sweet city

I'm headed home baby - I got a long way to go
You sing one for them pretty green eyes
You sing one for the miles
I sing one for the children

Last time you saw them was a long time ago
You drink one for your family
You drink one for yourself
You drink one for your memories

Relevant Tags:
LLong WWay TTo GGo ((headed HHome) ong ay o o headed ome) oLng aWy oT oG h(eaded oHme) kong aay fo ho (hheaded jome) kLong aWay fTo hGo (eaded jHome)
Lkong Waay Tfo Gho (ehaded Hjome) oong 3ay 5o yo (jeaded uome) oLong 3Way 5To yGo (jheaded uHome) Loong W3ay T5o Gyo (hjeaded Huome) pong day ho bo (ueaded nome)
pLong dWay hTo bGo (uheaded nHome) Lpong Wday Tho Gbo (hueaded Hnome) eay yo vo (neaded bome) Lng eWay yTo vGo (nheaded bHome) Lnog Weay Tyo Gvo (hneaded Hbome)
Lkng say 6o fo (beaded gome) sWay 6To fGo (bheaded gHome) Lokng Wsay T6o Gfo (hbeaded Hgome) L9ng 2ay go to (geaded yome) L9ong 2Way gTo tGo (gheaded yHome)
Lo9ng W2ay Tgo Gto (hgeaded Hyome) L0ng qay ro Goo (yeaded Hoome) L0ong qWay rTo G (yheaded Hme) Lo0ng Wqay Tro Go (hyeaded Hmoe) Llng Too Gk (heeaded Hkme)
Llong Wy T Gko (haded Hkome) Lolng Wya To Gok (haeded Hokme) Ling Wzy Tk G9 (hsaded H9me) Liong Wzay Tko G9o (hseaded H9ome) Loing Wazy Tok Go9 (hesaded Ho9me)
Lonng Wqy T9 G0 (h3aded H0me) Log T9o G0o (h3eaded H0ome) Logn Waqy To9 Go0 (he3aded Ho0me) Lomg Wsy T0 Gl (hfaded Hlme) Lomng T0o Glo (hfeaded Hlome)
Lonmg Wasy To0 Gol (hefaded Holme) Lohg Wwy Tl Gi (hraded Hime) Lohng Wway Tlo Gio (hreaded Hiome) Lonhg Wawy Tol Goi (heraded Hoime) Lojg Wxy Ti (h4aded Homme)
Lojng Wxay Tio (h4eaded Hoe) Lonjg Waxy Toi (he4aded Hoem) Lobg Wayy (hdaded Hoje) Lobng Wa (hdeaded Hojme) Lonbg Way (hedaded Homje)
Longg Wag (hwaded Hoke) Lon Wagy (hweaded Long Wayg (hewaded Homke) Lonh Wah (heaaded Hone) Wahy (heded Honme)
Longh Wayh (hedaed Homne) Lony Wa6 (hezded Homee) Lonyg Wa6y (hezaded Hom) Longy Way6 (heazded Hom)e Lonb Wau (heqded Homs)
Wauy (heqaded Homse) Longb Wayu (heaqded Homes) Lonv Wa7 (hesded Hom3) Lonvg Wa7y Hom3e)

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