Patty Smyth
I Should Be Laughing

Somewhere in a scrap book
There's a rose you gave to me
And the photograph thats torn in half
And all thats left is me
Live happily ever after
That came after I was gone
And they tell you that you can't go back
Then why can't I go on?

When should be laughin` at this joke
Dressed up as love, diguised as hope
And isn't funny after all this time
A tear is fallin` when i should be laughin`

Sunsets are like a painting, windows like a frame
When night comes in and I begin
To see it all again

'Cuz i should be laughing at this joke
The damage done the words i spoke
And isn't funny after all this time
Regret can find me when I should be laughin`
I should laughin` at life
And all of the tricks that it plays
I should be laughing at time
And how fast its slippin` away

Somewhere in a scrap book
There's a rose you gave to me
And with one last look
I close the book
And let the past just be

When should be laughin` at this joke
Dressed up as love, diguised as hope
And isn't funny after all this time
A tear is fallin` when i should be laughin

Mirror lyrics:

A tear is fallin` when i should be laughin
And isn't funny after all this time
Dressed up as love, diguised as hope
When should be laughin` at this joke

And let the past just be
I close the book
And with one last look
There's a rose you gave to me
Somewhere in a scrap book

And how fast its slippin` away
I should be laughing at time
And all of the tricks that it plays
I should laughin` at life
Regret can find me when I should be laughin`
And isn't funny after all this time
The damage done the words i spoke
'Cuz i should be laughing at this joke

To see it all again
When night comes in and I begin
Sunsets are like a painting, windows like a frame

A tear is fallin` when i should be laughin`
And isn't funny after all this time
Dressed up as love, diguised as hope
When should be laughin` at this joke

Then why can't I go on?
And they tell you that you can't go back
That came after I was gone
Live happily ever after
And all thats left is me
And the photograph thats torn in half
There's a rose you gave to me
Somewhere in a scrap book

Relevant Tags:
II SShould BBe LLaughing hould e aughing I hSould eB aLughing j zhould ve kaughing jI zShould vBe kLaughing Ij Szhould Bve Lkaughing
9 whould ge oaughing 9I wShould gBe oLaughing I9 Swhould Bge Loaughing l dhould ne paughing lI dShould nBe pLaughing Il Sdhould Bne Lpaughing
o ehould he Laaughing oI eShould hBe Lughing Io Sehould Bhe Luaghing k xhould Bee Lzughing kI xShould B Lzaughing Ik Sxhould Be Lazughing
8 ahould Bs Lqughing 8I aShould Bse Lqaughing I8 Sahould Bes Laqughing u Shhould B3 Lsughing uI Sould B3e Lsaughing Iu Sohuld Be3 Lasughing
Sjould Bf Lwughing Sjhould Bfe Lwaughing Shjould Bef Lawughing Suould Br Lxughing Suhould Bre Lxaughing Shuould Ber Laxughing
Snould B4 Lauughing Snhould B4e Laghing Shnould Be4 Laguhing Sbould Bd Lahghing Sbhould Bde Lahughing Shbould Bed Lauhghing
Sgould Bw La7ghing Sghould Bwe La7ughing Shgould Bew Lau7ghing Syould Lakghing Syhould Lakughing Shyould Laukghing
Shoould Laighing Shuld Laiughing Shuold Lauighing Shkuld La8ghing Shkould La8ughing Shokuld Lau8ghing
Sh9uld Lajghing Sh9ould Lajughing Sho9uld Laujghing Sh0uld Layghing Sh0ould Layughing Sho0uld Lauyghing
Shluld Laugghing Shlould Lauhing Sholuld Lauhging Shiuld Lauhhing Shiould Shoiuld Laughhing
Shouuld Lauyhing Shold Sholud Laugyhing Shohld Laubhing Shohuld Laubghing Shouhld Laugbhing
Sho7ld Lauvhing Sho7uld Lauvghing Shou7ld Laugvhing Shokld Laufhing Laufghing Shoukld Laugfhing
Shoild Lauthing

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