Patty Loveless
I'm On Your Side

(Jimbeau Hinson - Kim Tribble)

Lately things haven't been goin' our way
And this road seems to get steeper every day
You crawl inside yourself when I pull you out we fight
Seems like you've forgotten I'm on your side.

Do you think it makes you more of a man
To shoulder the worry and shield me if you can
But it's this wall of silence that's enough to make me scream
Tear it down and you'll find out we're on the same team.

I'm on your side when you don't know where to turn
Look to the left or just to the right
Turn to me when you can't turn off the lights
I'm on your side.

--- Instrumental ---

Don't you remember
How close we used to be
When you come home
And vent your heart and soul to me.

Oh, I'm on your side when you don't know where to turn
Look to the left or just to the right
Turn to me when you can't turn off the lights
I'm on your side.

Turn to me when you can't turn off the lights
I'm on your side...

Mirror lyrics:

I'm on your side...
Turn to me when you can't turn off the lights

I'm on your side.
Turn to me when you can't turn off the lights
Look to the left or just to the right
Oh, I'm on your side when you don't know where to turn

And vent your heart and soul to me.
When you come home
How close we used to be
Don't you remember

--- Instrumental ---

I'm on your side.
Turn to me when you can't turn off the lights
Look to the left or just to the right
I'm on your side when you don't know where to turn

Tear it down and you'll find out we're on the same team.
But it's this wall of silence that's enough to make me scream
To shoulder the worry and shield me if you can
Do you think it makes you more of a man

Seems like you've forgotten I'm on your side.
You crawl inside yourself when I pull you out we fight
And this road seems to get steeper every day
Lately things haven't been goin' our way

(Jimbeau Hinson - Kim Tribble)

Relevant Tags:
II'm OOn YYour SSide 'm n our ide 'Im nO oYur iSde j'm kn gour zide jI'm kOn gYour zSide Ij'm Okn Ygour Szide 9'm 9n hour wide
9I'm 9On hYour wSide I9'm O9n Yhour Swide l'm 0n 6our dide lI'm 0On 6Your dSide Il'm O0n Y6our Sdide o'm ln uour eide oI'm lOn uYour eSide
Io'm Oln Yuour Seide k'm in 7our xide kI'm iOn 7Your xSide Ik'm Oin Y7our Sxide 8'm Onn jour aide 8I'm O jYour aSide I8'm On Yjour Saide
u'm Om tour Siide uI'm Omn tYour Sde Iu'm Onm Ytour Sdie I''m Oh Yoour Sjde Im Ohn Yur Sjide Im' Onh Yuor Sijde I'mm Oj Ykur S9de
I' Ojn Ykour S9ide I'm Onj Yokur Si9de I'j Ob Y9ur Slde I'jm Obn Y9our Slide I'mj Onb Yo9ur Silde I'k Y0ur Sode I'km Y0our Soide
I'mk Yo0ur Siode I'n Ylur Skde I'nm Ylour Skide I'mn Yolur Sikde Yiur S8de Yiour S8ide Yoiur Si8de
Youur Sude Yor Suide

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