Patty Loveless
Hurt Me Bad (in A Real Good Way)

(Rafe VanHoy - Deborah Allen)

Would've never found you if he had wanted to stay
Oh, he hurt me bad in a real good way
Well, he opened my eyes to a world beyond
That impossible dream I was living on.

And I thank my lucky stars each night
When you're in my arms and your holdin' me tight
I realize what it means to have your true love
I would've never found you if he had wanted to stay
Oh, he hurt me bad in a real good way.

--- Instrumental ---

And I thank my lucky stars each night
When you're in my arms and your holdin' me tight
I realize what it means to have your true love
When I look back on my life before
How my heart got shattered with a slammin' door.

I see how it all had to be for the two of us
Oh, the river of tears that flow from my eyes
Was only moving me on to this paradise
I would've never found you if he had wanted to stay
Oh, he hurt me bad in a real good way...

Mirror lyrics:

Oh, he hurt me bad in a real good way...
I would've never found you if he had wanted to stay
Was only moving me on to this paradise
Oh, the river of tears that flow from my eyes
I see how it all had to be for the two of us

How my heart got shattered with a slammin' door.
When I look back on my life before
I realize what it means to have your true love
When you're in my arms and your holdin' me tight
And I thank my lucky stars each night

--- Instrumental ---

Oh, he hurt me bad in a real good way.
I would've never found you if he had wanted to stay
I realize what it means to have your true love
When you're in my arms and your holdin' me tight
And I thank my lucky stars each night

That impossible dream I was living on.
Well, he opened my eyes to a world beyond
Oh, he hurt me bad in a real good way
Would've never found you if he had wanted to stay

(Rafe VanHoy - Deborah Allen)

Relevant Tags:
HHurt MMe BBad ((in AA RReal GGood WWay) urt e ad in eal ood ay) uHrt eM aBd i(n A eRal oGod aWy) jurt je vad (iin z deal hood aay) jHurt jMe vBad (n zA dReal hGood aWay)
Hjurt Mje Bvad (ni Az Rdeal Ghood Waay) uurt ke gad (jn q 4eal yood 3ay) uHurt kMe gBad (jin qA 4Real yGood 3Way) Huurt Mke Bgad (ijn Aq R4eal Gyood W3ay) nurt ne nad (9n s geal bood day)
nHurt nMe nBad (9in sA gReal bGood dWay) Hnurt Mne Bnad (i9n As Rgeal Gbood Wday) burt Mee had (ln w teal vood eay) bHurt M hBad (lin wA tReal vGood eWay) Hburt Me Bhad (iln Aw Rteal Gvood Weay)
gurt Ms Baad (on x 5eal food say) gHurt Mse Bd (oin xA 5Real fGood sWay) Hgurt Mes Bda (ion Ax R5eal Gfood Wsay) yurt M3 Bzd (kn feal tood 2ay) yHurt M3e Bzad (kin fReal tGood 2Way)
Hyurt Me3 Bazd (ikn Rfeal Gtood W2ay) Mf Bqd (8n eeal Goood qay) Hrt Mfe Bqad (8in eReal God qWay) Hrut Mef Baqd (i8n Reeal Good Wqay) Hhrt Mr Bsd (un Gkod
Hhurt Mre Bsad (uin Ral Gkood Wy) Huhrt Mer Basd (iun Rael Gokod Wya) H7rt M4 Bwd (inn Rsal G9od Wzy) H7urt M4e Bwad (i Rseal G9ood Wzay) Hu7rt Me4 Bawd (in Resal Go9od Wazy)
Hkrt Md Bxd (im R3al G0od Wqy) Hkurt Mde Bxad (imn R3eal G0ood Hukrt Med Baxd (inm Re3al Go0od Waqy) Hirt Mw Badd (ih Rfal Glod Wsy) Hiurt Mwe Ba (ihn Glood
Huirt Mew Bad (inh Refal Golod Wasy) H8rt Bax (ij Rral Giod Wwy) H8urt Rreal Giood Wway) Hu8rt Badx (inj Reral Goiod Wawy) Hjrt Bae (ib R4al Wxy)
Baed (ibn Wxay) Hujrt Bade (inb Re4al Godo Waxy) Hyrt Baf Rdal Gokd Wayy)

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