Pau T
Bridge Of Spies

Verse 1
So Long I've waited
For you to come to me
Anticipated what I would say
And no one could know
How it feels to be
In your embrace again
So tender
Yes, there were times
I could not hold on
Each day that came
A little more hope was gone
I'd look into my heart
To see what I had done
And now I can't believe
The day is finally come

I am walking
Over the bridge of spies today
Freedom is only one more step away
You only have to hold me
Take me to you

Verse 2
Now the things we wanted
They're so far away it seems
And your love is a distant thing
That I kept deep inside of me
Now if I could show you
Where I lived in my fantasy
On the continent of dreams
You'd be with me

I don't know if I could go through it all again
For what's the point if you are never free to say
This is what I believe
This is a part of me
No hero, no regrets
But only meant to be

I am walking
Over the bridge of spies today
Freedom is only one step away
You only have to hold me

I am walking
Over the bridge of spies today
Freedom is only one step away
You only have to hold me

Mirror lyrics:

You only have to hold me
Freedom is only one step away
Over the bridge of spies today
I am walking

You only have to hold me
Freedom is only one step away
Over the bridge of spies today
I am walking

But only meant to be
No hero, no regrets
This is a part of me
This is what I believe
For what's the point if you are never free to say
I don't know if I could go through it all again

You'd be with me
On the continent of dreams
Where I lived in my fantasy
Now if I could show you
That I kept deep inside of me
And your love is a distant thing
They're so far away it seems
Now the things we wanted
Verse 2

Take me to you
You only have to hold me
Freedom is only one more step away
Over the bridge of spies today
I am walking

The day is finally come
And now I can't believe
To see what I had done
I'd look into my heart
A little more hope was gone
Each day that came
I could not hold on
Yes, there were times
So tender
In your embrace again
How it feels to be
And no one could know
Anticipated what I would say
For you to come to me
So Long I've waited
Verse 1

Relevant Tags:
BBridge OOf SSpies ridge f pies rBidge fO pSies vridge kf zpies vBridge kOf zSpies Bvridge Okf Szpies gridge 9f wpies
gBridge 9Of wSpies Bgridge O9f Swpies nridge 0f dpies nBridge 0Of dSpies Bnridge O0f Sdpies hridge lf epies hBridge lOf eSpies
Bhridge Olf Sepies Brridge if xpies Bidge iOf xSpies Birdge Oif Sxpies Bdidge Off apies Bdridge O aSpies Brdidge Of Sapies
B4idge Oc Sppies B4ridge Ocf Sies Br4idge Ofc Sipes Bgidge Or S0ies Orf S0pies Brgidge Ofr Sp0ies Btidge Og Slies
Btridge Ogf Slpies Brtidge Ofg Splies B5idge Ot Soies B5ridge Otf Sopies Br5idge Oft Spoies Bfidge Ov Spiies Bfridge Ovf Spes
Brfidge Ofv Speis Beidge Od Spjes Beridge Odf Spjies Breidge Ofd Spijes Briidge Sp9es Brdge Sp9ies Brdige Spi9es
Brjdge Sples Brjidge Brijdge Spiles Br9dge Spoes Br9idge Bri9dge Spioes Brldge Spkes
Brlidge Spkies Brildge Spikes Brodge Sp8es Broidge Sp8ies Briodge Spi8es Brkdge Spues Brkidge Spuies
Brikdge Spiues Br8dge Spiees Br8idge Spis Bri8dge Spise Brudge Spiss Bruidge Spises Briudge Spiess

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