Panic! At The Disco
The Ballad Of Mona Lisa

She paints her fingers with a close precision
He starts to notice empty bottles of gin
And takes a moment to assess the sin
She's paid for

A lonely speaker in a conversation
Her words are spinning through his ears again
There's nothing wrong with just a taste of what you've paid for

Say what you mean
Tell me I'm right
And let the sun rain down on me
Give me a sign
I want to believe

Woah, Mona Lisa,
You're guaranteed to run this town
Woah, Mona Lisa,
I'd pay to see you frown

He senses something, call it desperation
Another dollar, another day
And if she had the proper words to say,
She would tell him
But she'd have nothing left to sell him

Say what you mean
Tell me I'm right
And let the sun rain down on me
Give me a sign
I want to believe

Woah, Mona Lisa,
You're guaranteed to run this town
Woah, Mona Lisa,
I'd pay to see you frown
Mona Lisa, yeah

Say what you mean
Tell me I'm right
And let the sun rain down on me
Give me a sign
I want to believe

Woah, Mona Lisa,
You're guaranteed to run this town
Woah, Mona Lisa,
I'd pay to see you frown

Say what you mean
Tell me I'm right
And let the sun rain down on me
Give me a sign
I want to believe

There's nothing wrong with just a taste of what you've paid for

Mirror lyrics:

There's nothing wrong with just a taste of what you've paid for

I want to believe
Give me a sign
And let the sun rain down on me
Tell me I'm right
Say what you mean

I'd pay to see you frown
Woah, Mona Lisa,
You're guaranteed to run this town
Woah, Mona Lisa,

I want to believe
Give me a sign
And let the sun rain down on me
Tell me I'm right
Say what you mean

Mona Lisa, yeah
I'd pay to see you frown
Woah, Mona Lisa,
You're guaranteed to run this town
Woah, Mona Lisa,

I want to believe
Give me a sign
And let the sun rain down on me
Tell me I'm right
Say what you mean

But she'd have nothing left to sell him
She would tell him
And if she had the proper words to say,
Another dollar, another day
He senses something, call it desperation

I'd pay to see you frown
Woah, Mona Lisa,
You're guaranteed to run this town
Woah, Mona Lisa,

I want to believe
Give me a sign
And let the sun rain down on me
Tell me I'm right
Say what you mean

There's nothing wrong with just a taste of what you've paid for
Her words are spinning through his ears again
A lonely speaker in a conversation

She's paid for
And takes a moment to assess the sin
He starts to notice empty bottles of gin
She paints her fingers with a close precision

Relevant Tags:
TThe BBallad OOf MMona LLisa he allad f ona isa hTe aBllad fO oMna iLsa fhe vallad kf jona kisa fThe vBallad kOf jMona kLisa Tfhe Bvallad Okf Mjona Lkisa
5he gallad 9f kona oisa 5The gBallad 9Of kMona oLisa T5he Bgallad O9f Mkona Loisa hhe nallad 0f nona pisa hThe nBallad 0Of nMona pLisa Thhe Bnallad O0f Mnona Lpisa
yhe hallad lf Moona Liisa yThe hBallad lOf Mna Lsa Tyhe Bhallad Olf Mnoa Lsia 6he Baallad if Mkna Ljsa 6The Bllad iOf Ljisa T6he Blalad Oif Mokna Lijsa
ghe Bzllad Off M9na L9sa gThe Bzallad O M9ona L9isa Tghe Bazllad Of Mo9na Li9sa rhe Bqllad Oc M0na Llsa rThe Bqallad Ocf M0ona Llisa Trhe Baqllad Ofc Mo0na Lilsa
Bsllad Or Mlna Losa Te Bsallad Orf Mlona Teh Basllad Ofr Molna Liosa Tje Bwllad Og Mina Lksa Tjhe Bwallad Ogf Miona Thje Bawllad Ofg Moina Liksa
Tue Bxllad Ot Monna L8sa Tuhe Bxallad Otf Moa L8isa Thue Baxllad Oft Moan Li8sa Tne Balllad Ov Moma Lusa Tnhe Balad Ovf Momna Luisa Thne Ballad Ofv Monma Liusa
Tbe Baklad Od Moha Lissa Tbhe Bakllad Odf Mohna Lia Thbe Balklad Ofd Monha Lias Tge Baolad Moja Liza Baollad Mojna Lizsa Thge Balolad Monja Lisza
Tye Baplad Moba Liwa Bapllad Mobna Liwsa

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