Let The Flames Begin

What a shame we all became such fragile, broken things
A memory remains just a tiny spark
I give it all my oxygen
To let the flames begin
So let the flames begin

Oh, glory
Oh, glory
This is how we'll dance when
When they try to take us down
This is what will be oh, glory

Somewhere weakness is our strength
And I'll die searching for it
I can't let myself regret such selfishness
My pain and all the trouble caused
No matter how long
I believe that there's hope
Buried beneath it all and
Hiding beneath it all, and
Growing beneath it all, and...

This is how we'll dance when
When they try to take us down
This is how we'll sing it
This is how we'll stand when
When they burn our houses down
This is what will be oh, glory

Reaching as I sink down into light
Reaching as I sink down into light

This is how we dance when
When they try to take us down
This is how we'll sing it
This is how we'll stand when
When they burn our houses down
This is what will be oh glory

Mirror lyrics:

This is what will be oh glory
When they burn our houses down
This is how we'll stand when
This is how we'll sing it
When they try to take us down
This is how we dance when

Reaching as I sink down into light
Reaching as I sink down into light

This is what will be oh, glory
When they burn our houses down
This is how we'll stand when
This is how we'll sing it
When they try to take us down
This is how we'll dance when

Growing beneath it all, and...
Hiding beneath it all, and
Buried beneath it all and
I believe that there's hope
No matter how long
My pain and all the trouble caused
I can't let myself regret such selfishness
And I'll die searching for it
Somewhere weakness is our strength

This is what will be oh, glory
When they try to take us down
This is how we'll dance when
Oh, glory
Oh, glory

So let the flames begin
To let the flames begin
I give it all my oxygen
A memory remains just a tiny spark
What a shame we all became such fragile, broken things

Relevant Tags:
LLet TThe FFlames BBegin et he lames egin eLt hTe lFames eBgin ket fhe clames vegin kLet fThe cFlames vBegin Lket Tfhe Fclames Bvegin
oet 5he rlames gegin oLet 5The rFlames gBegin Loet T5he Frlames Bgegin pet hhe glames negin pLet hThe gFlames nBegin Lpet Thhe Fglames Bnegin
Leet yhe tlames hegin Lt yThe tFlames hBegin Lte Tyhe Ftlames Bhegin Lst 6he vlames Beegin Lset 6The vFlames Bgin Lest T6he Fvlames Bgein
L3t ghe dlames Bsgin L3et gThe dFlames Bsegin Le3t Tghe Fdlames Besgin Lft rhe Fllames B3gin Lfet rThe Fames B3egin Left Trhe Falmes Be3gin
Lrt Fkames Bfgin Lret Te Fklames Bfegin Lert Teh Flkames Befgin L4t Tje Foames Brgin L4et Tjhe Folames Bregin Le4t Thje Floames Bergin
Ldt Tue Fpames B4gin Ldet Tuhe Fplames B4egin Ledt Thue Flpames Be4gin Lwt Tne Flaames Bdgin Lwet Tnhe Flmes Bdegin Lewt Thne Flmaes Bedgin
Lett Tbe Flzmes Bwgin Le Tbhe Flzames Bwegin Let Thbe Flazmes Bewgin Lef Tge Flqmes Beggin Flqames Bein Letf Thge Flaqmes Beign
Le5 Tye Flsmes Behin Le5t Flsames Behgin Let5 Thye Flasmes Beghin Leh Thee Flwmes Beyin Leht Th Flwames Beygin Leth The Flawmes Begyin
Ley Ths Flxmes Bebin Leyt Thse Flxames Bebgin Lety Thes Flaxmes Begbin Le6 Th3 Flammes Bevin

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