Enter In Time

From the outside all appeared serene
The garden framing a dreamlike scene
In the beginning the house was new
The rooms were warm there was much to do
I opened up the door and walked through
And maybe now I've come to see the light is whiter
And the life will enter in time
It's always whiter and the life is ever in time

Gravely the old man with greyish hair
Waiting sadly beneath the stair
Frail hands reaching out anew
Called for me, bid me thereinto (I hate myself)
I opened up the door and walked through
And maybe now I've come to see the light is whiter

And the life will enter in time
It's always whiter and the life is ever in time

All I have left is this memory
Thoughts of how loving used to be
All I have left is this tainted view
Painfully, I'm in love with you.
I open up the door and walk through
And maybe now I've come to see the light is whiter
And the life will enter in time
It's always whiter and the life is ever in time.

Mirror lyrics:

It's always whiter and the life is ever in time.
And the life will enter in time
And maybe now I've come to see the light is whiter
I open up the door and walk through
Painfully, I'm in love with you.
All I have left is this tainted view
Thoughts of how loving used to be
All I have left is this memory

It's always whiter and the life is ever in time
And the life will enter in time

And maybe now I've come to see the light is whiter
I opened up the door and walked through
Called for me, bid me thereinto (I hate myself)
Frail hands reaching out anew
Waiting sadly beneath the stair
Gravely the old man with greyish hair

It's always whiter and the life is ever in time
And the life will enter in time
And maybe now I've come to see the light is whiter
I opened up the door and walked through
The rooms were warm there was much to do
In the beginning the house was new
The garden framing a dreamlike scene
From the outside all appeared serene

Relevant Tags:
EEnter IIn TTime nter n ime nEter nI iTme snter jn fime sEnter jIn fTime Esnter Ijn Tfime 3nter 9n 5ime 3Enter 9In 5Time E3nter I9n T5ime
fnter ln hime fEnter lIn hTime Efnter Iln Thime rnter on yime rEnter oIn yTime Ernter Ion Tyime 4nter kn 6ime 4Enter kIn 6Time E4nter Ikn T6ime
dnter 8n gime dEnter 8In gTime Ednter I8n Tgime wnter un rime wEnter uIn rTime Ewnter Iun Trime Ennter Inn Tiime Eter I Tme Etner In Tmie
Emter Im Tjme Emnter Imn Tjime Enmter Inm Tijme Ehter Ih T9me Ehnter Ihn T9ime Enhter Inh Ti9me Ejter Ij Tlme Ejnter Tlime Enjter Inj Tilme
Ebter Ib Tome Ebnter Ibn Toime Enbter Inb Tiome Entter Tkme Ener Tkime Enetr Tikme Enfer T8me Enfter T8ime Entfer Ti8me
En5er Tume En5ter Tuime Ent5er Tiume Enher Timme Tie Enther Tiem Enyer Tije

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