Paradise Lost
Soul Courageous

I could not care less for oh so many things
Tales of your distress and what tomorrow brings
Alluring you on sight
I'd harbour my delight
You could not care for what tune sorrow sings

In this battle of ages
A breath of fire would light your pilot
Are you soul courageous
A breath of life would make you maybe see
You bring me to the ground
You bring me to the ground

Victory's in vain unless one knows the score
Inner peace reclines, in place the bitter scorn
Spirit maketh man
Always at hand
The spirit fails to save the ones worth waiting for

In this battle of ages
A breath of fire would light your pilot
Are you soul courageous
A breath of life would make you maybe see
You bring me to the ground
You bring me to the ground

Always always, you bring me to the ground

Mirror lyrics:

Always always, you bring me to the ground

You bring me to the ground
You bring me to the ground
A breath of life would make you maybe see
Are you soul courageous
A breath of fire would light your pilot
In this battle of ages

The spirit fails to save the ones worth waiting for
Always at hand
Spirit maketh man
Inner peace reclines, in place the bitter scorn
Victory's in vain unless one knows the score

You bring me to the ground
You bring me to the ground
A breath of life would make you maybe see
Are you soul courageous
A breath of fire would light your pilot
In this battle of ages

You could not care for what tune sorrow sings
I'd harbour my delight
Alluring you on sight
Tales of your distress and what tomorrow brings
I could not care less for oh so many things

Relevant Tags:
SSoul CCourageous oul ourageous oSul oCurageous zoul fourageous zSoul fCourageous Szoul Cfourageous woul xourageous
wSoul xCourageous Swoul Cxourageous doul vourageous dSoul vCourageous Sdoul Cvourageous eoul dourageous eSoul dCourageous
Seoul Cdourageous xoul Coourageous xSoul Curageous Sxoul Cuorageous aoul Ckurageous aSoul Ckourageous Saoul Cokurageous
Sooul C9urageous Sul C9ourageous Suol Co9urageous Skul C0urageous Skoul C0ourageous Sokul Co0urageous S9ul Clurageous
S9oul Clourageous So9ul Colurageous S0ul Ciurageous S0oul Ciourageous So0ul Coiurageous Slul Couurageous Sloul Corageous
Solul Coruageous Siul Cohrageous Sioul Cohurageous Soiul Couhrageous Souul Co7rageous Sol Co7urageous Solu Cou7rageous
Sohl Cokrageous Sohul Souhl Coukrageous So7l Coirageous So7ul Sou7l Couirageous Sokl Co8rageous
Co8urageous Soukl Cou8rageous Soil Cojrageous Cojurageous Souil Coujrageous So8l Coyrageous So8ul Coyurageous
Sou8l Couyrageous Sojl Courrageous Sojul Couageous Soujl Couargeous Soyl Coudageous Soyul Coudrageous Souyl Courdageous
Soull Cou4ageous Sou Cou4rageous Soul Cour4ageous Souk Cougageous Cougrageous Soulk Courgageous Souo Coutageous
Souol Coutrageous Soulo Courtageous Soup Cou5ageous Soupl Cou5rageous Soulp Cour5ageous Coufageous Coufrageous
Courfageous Coueageous Couerageous Coureageous Couraageous Courgeous Courgaeous
Courzgeous Courzageous Courazgeous Courqgeous Courqageous Couraqgeous Coursgeous
Coursageous Courasgeous Courwgeous Courwageous Courawgeous Courxgeous Courxageous
Couraxgeous Couraggeous Couraeous

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