Paris Bennett
All Hail The Princess (intro)

3-0-6, Uh Huh
And I Now Present To You The Practically Perfect Paris Bennett
Princess P, C'mon Baby
I've Waited For So Long And Now
It's Time To Take My Throne
(All Hail The Princess, All Hail The Princess)
People Said I Couldn't Do It,
Now I'm Here To Prove Them Wrong
(All Hail The Princess, All Hail The Princess)
All The Times That I Cried But I Stayed On The Grind
(All Hail The Princess, All Hail The Princess)
Finally I'm Here And It's My Turn To Shine
(All Hail The Princess, All Hail The Princess)
I'm Royalty And My Name Is Princess P
It's My Turn To (All Hail The Princess, All Hail The Princess) Reign
I'm Royalty And My Name Is Princess P
I'm Gon' Make It (All Hail The Princess, All Hail The Princess)
Reign, Reign, Reign, Reign
Hello, Hello World
Hello, Hello World
Hello World
You've Officially Been Princessed

Mirror lyrics:

You've Officially Been Princessed
Hello World
Hello, Hello World
Hello, Hello World
Reign, Reign, Reign, Reign
I'm Gon' Make It (All Hail The Princess, All Hail The Princess)
I'm Royalty And My Name Is Princess P
It's My Turn To (All Hail The Princess, All Hail The Princess) Reign
I'm Royalty And My Name Is Princess P
(All Hail The Princess, All Hail The Princess)
Finally I'm Here And It's My Turn To Shine
(All Hail The Princess, All Hail The Princess)
All The Times That I Cried But I Stayed On The Grind
(All Hail The Princess, All Hail The Princess)
Now I'm Here To Prove Them Wrong
People Said I Couldn't Do It,
(All Hail The Princess, All Hail The Princess)
It's Time To Take My Throne
I've Waited For So Long And Now
Princess P, C'mon Baby
And I Now Present To You The Practically Perfect Paris Bennett
3-0-6, Uh Huh

Relevant Tags:
AAll HHail TThe PPrincess ((intro) ll ail he rincess intro) lAl aHil hTe rPincess i(ntro) zll jail fhe 0rincess (iintro) zAll jHail fThe 0Princess (ntro)
Azll Hjail Tfhe P0rincess (nitro) qll uail 5he lrincess (jntro) qAll uHail 5The lPrincess (jintro) Aqll Huail T5he Plrincess (ijntro) sll nail hhe orincess (9ntro)
sAll nHail hThe oPrincess (9intro) Asll Hnail Thhe Porincess (i9ntro) wll bail yhe Prrincess (lntro) wAll bHail yThe Pincess (lintro) Awll Hbail Tyhe Pirncess (ilntro)
xll gail 6he Pdincess (ontro) xAll gHail 6The Pdrincess (ointro) Axll Hgail T6he Prdincess (iontro) Alll yail ghe P4incess (kntro) Al yHail gThe P4rincess (kintro)
All Hyail Tghe Pr4incess (ikntro) Akl Haail rhe Pgincess (8ntro) Akll Hil rThe Pgrincess (8intro) Alkl Hial Trhe Prgincess (i8ntro) Aol Hzil Ptincess (untro)
Aoll Hzail Te Ptrincess (uintro) Alol Hazil Teh Prtincess (iuntro) Apl Hqil Tje P5incess (inntro) Apll Hqail Tjhe P5rincess (itro) Alpl Haqil Thje Pr5incess (itnro)
Hsil Tue Pfincess (imtro) Hsail Tuhe Pfrincess (imntro) Hasil Thue Prfincess (inmtro) Alk Hwil Tne Peincess (ihtro) Hwail Tnhe Perincess (ihntro)
Allk Hawil Thne Preincess (inhtro) Alo Hxil Tbe Priincess (ijtro) Hxail Tbhe Prncess Allo Haxil Thbe Prnicess (injtro) Alp Haiil Tge Prjncess (ibtro)
Hal Prjincess (ibntro) Allp Hali Thge Prijncess (inbtro) Hajl Tye Pr9ncess (inttro) Hajil Pr9incess (inro) Haijl Thye Pri9ncess (inrto)
Ha9l Thee Prlncess (infro) Ha9il Th Prlincess (inftro) Hai9l The Prilncess (intfro) Hall Ths Proncess (in5ro) Halil Thse Proincess (in5tro)
Haill Thes Prioncess (int5ro) Haol Th3 Prkncess (inhro) Haoil Th3e Prkincess Haiol The3 Prikncess (inthro) Hakl Thf Pr8ncess (inyro)
Hakil Thfe Pr8incess (inytro) Haikl Thef Pri8ncess (intyro) Ha8l Thr Pruncess (in6ro) Ha8il Thre Pruincess (in6tro) Hai8l Ther Priuncess (int6ro)
Haul Th4 Prinncess (ingro) Hauil Th4e Pricess (ingtro) Haiul The4 Pricness (intgro) Thd Primcess (inrro) Hai Thde Primncess (inrtro)
Hail Thed Prinmcess (intrro) Haik Thw Prihcess Thwe Prihncess (into) Hailk Thew Prinhcess (intor) Haio Prijcess (intdo)

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