
Come into this night
Here we'll be gone
So far away
From our weak and crumbling lives
Come into this night
When days are done
Lost and astray
In what's vanished from your eyes

What came and distorted your sight
Saw you benighted by your fright

Come into this night
Your plight alone
Carry your weight
You are flawed as all of us
Come into this night
You only home
It's never too late
To repent, Suffer the loss

What came and distorted your sight
Saw you benighted by your fright

What came and distorted your sight
Saw you benighted by your fright

Come into this night
When you're able
To undo your deeds
And atone with your lonely soul
Once you're into this night
All minds are stable
Forget all your needs
Lose the grip of all control

Mirror lyrics:

Lose the grip of all control
Forget all your needs
All minds are stable
Once you're into this night
And atone with your lonely soul
To undo your deeds
When you're able
Come into this night

Saw you benighted by your fright
What came and distorted your sight

Saw you benighted by your fright
What came and distorted your sight

To repent, Suffer the loss
It's never too late
You only home
Come into this night
You are flawed as all of us
Carry your weight
Your plight alone
Come into this night

Saw you benighted by your fright
What came and distorted your sight

In what's vanished from your eyes
Lost and astray
When days are done
Come into this night
From our weak and crumbling lives
So far away
Here we'll be gone
Come into this night

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Benmighted Behighted Behnighted Benhighted Bejighted Bejnighted Benjighted Bebighted Bebnighted Benbighted Beniighted
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