Open Hand
In Your Eyes

Uh, can I play you, um, some of the new things
I've been through which I think, could be commercial

what's inside
what's inside of your eyes
I don't know now
I don't know
what you want
what's inside of your eyes
i can see right through them now
whats inside
whats inside of your mind
i dont know
I dont know
stay down
i dont know now
in your eyes
in your eyes
see the light shine though them now
in your eyes
you act the same
we should get it down
see right through you (right now)
see right through you
i see right
see right through you
we should get it down
in your eyes
in your eyes
see the light shine through

Mirror lyrics:

see the light shine through
in your eyes
in your eyes
we should get it down
see right through you
i see right
see right through you
see right through you (right now)
we should get it down
you act the same
in your eyes
see the light shine though them now
in your eyes
in your eyes
i dont know now
stay down
I dont know
i dont know
whats inside of your mind
whats inside
i can see right through them now
what's inside of your eyes
what you want
I don't know
I don't know now
what's inside of your eyes
what's inside

I've been through which I think, could be commercial
Uh, can I play you, um, some of the new things

Relevant Tags:
IIn YYour EEyes n our yes nI oYur yEes jn gour syes jIn gYour sEyes Ijn Ygour Esyes 9n hour 3yes 9In hYour 3Eyes I9n Yhour E3yes
ln 6our fyes lIn 6Your fEyes Iln Y6our Efyes on uour ryes oIn uYour rEyes Ion Yuour Eryes kn 7our 4yes kIn 7Your 4Eyes Ikn Y7our E4yes
8n jour dyes 8In jYour dEyes I8n Yjour Edyes un tour wyes uIn tYour wEyes Iun Ytour Ewyes Inn Yoour Eyyes I Yur Ees In Yuor Eeys
Im Ykur Eges Imn Ykour Egyes Inm Yokur Eyges Ih Y9ur Ehes Ihn Y9our Ehyes Inh Yo9ur Eyhes Ij Y0ur E6es Y0our E6yes Inj Yo0ur Ey6es
Ib Ylur Eues Ibn Ylour Euyes Inb Yolur Eyues Yiur E7es Yiour E7yes Yoiur Ey7es Youur Ejes Yor Ejyes Yoru Eyjes

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