Partridge Family
Morning Rider On The Road


Well I thought my life was over when she walked right out on me
And I watched the world around me just explode
That's when I hit the highway, that's how I came to be
Morning Rider on the road

Well, I'd wake up in the morning with the sunshine in my eyes
And the music of the Canyon would begin
And I'd soar just like an eagle through the blue Montana skies
like a glider on the wind

There were times when I was hungry, times I missed a friend
but sleep would hush it over

There were times the rain would wake me and all my dreams would end
But a dream can't last forever

Na na na.....morning rider on the road
Na na na.....morning rider in the sun

There were times when I was happy, being free was fun
like a hobo in the sun

There were times when I was lonely and I'd wish the night was done
like an Indian on the run

And all at once I met you and you stop me in my tracks
and all at once I lose the urge to roam
So the hobo in the sun, and the Indian on the run
and the rider on the highway found a home

And all at once I met you and you stop me in my tracks
and all at once I lose the urge to roam
So the hobo in the sun, and the Indian on the run
and the rider on the highway found a home.

Mirror lyrics:

and the rider on the highway found a home.
So the hobo in the sun, and the Indian on the run
and all at once I lose the urge to roam
And all at once I met you and you stop me in my tracks

and the rider on the highway found a home
So the hobo in the sun, and the Indian on the run
and all at once I lose the urge to roam
And all at once I met you and you stop me in my tracks

like an Indian on the run
There were times when I was lonely and I'd wish the night was done

like a hobo in the sun
There were times when I was happy, being free was fun

Na na na.....morning rider in the sun
Na na na.....morning rider on the road

But a dream can't last forever
There were times the rain would wake me and all my dreams would end

but sleep would hush it over
There were times when I was hungry, times I missed a friend

like a glider on the wind
And I'd soar just like an eagle through the blue Montana skies
And the music of the Canyon would begin
Well, I'd wake up in the morning with the sunshine in my eyes

Morning Rider on the road
That's when I hit the highway, that's how I came to be
And I watched the world around me just explode
Well I thought my life was over when she walked right out on me


Relevant Tags:
MMorning RRider OOn TThe RRoad orning ider n he oad oMrning iRder nO hTe oRad jorning dider kn fhe doad jMorning dRider kOn fThe dRoad
Mjorning Rdider Okn Tfhe Rdoad korning 4ider 9n 5he 4oad kMorning 4Rider 9On 5The 4Road Mkorning R4ider O9n T5he R4oad norning gider 0n hhe goad
nMorning gRider 0On hThe gRoad Mnorning Rgider O0n Thhe Rgoad Moorning tider ln yhe toad Mrning tRider lOn yThe tRoad Mroning Rtider Oln Tyhe Rtoad
Mkrning 5ider in 6he 5oad 5Rider iOn 6The 5Road Mokrning R5ider Oin T6he R5oad M9rning fider Onn ghe foad M9orning fRider O gThe fRoad
Mo9rning Rfider On Tghe Rfoad M0rning eider Om rhe eoad M0orning eRider Omn rThe eRoad Mo0rning Reider Onm Trhe Reoad Mlrning Riider Oh Rooad
Mlorning Rder Ohn Te Rad Molrning Rdier Onh Teh Raod Mirning Rjder Oj Tje Rkad Miorning Rjider Ojn Tjhe Rkoad Moirning Rijder Onj Thje Rokad
Morrning R9der Ob Tue R9ad Moning R9ider Obn Tuhe R9oad Monring Ri9der Onb Thue Ro9ad Modning Rlder Tne R0ad Modrning Rlider Tnhe R0oad
Mordning Rilder Thne Ro0ad Mo4ning Roder Tbe Rlad Mo4rning Roider Tbhe Rload Mor4ning Rioder Thbe Rolad Mogning Rkder Tge Riad
Mogrning Rkider Rioad Morgning Rikder Thge Roiad Motning R8der Tye Roaad Motrning R8ider Rod Mortning Ri8der Thye Roda
Mo5ning Ruder Thee Rozd Mo5rning Ruider Th Rozad Mor5ning Riuder The Roazd Mofning Ridder Ths Roqd Mofrning Rier Thse Roqad
Morfning Riedr Thes Roaqd Moening Rixer Th3 Rosd Moerning Rixder Th3e Rosad Morening Ridxer The3 Roasd Mornning Rieer Thf Rowd
Moring Rieder Thfe Rowad Morinng Rideer Thef Roawd Morming Rifer Thr Roxd Mormning Rifder Thre Roxad Mornming Ridfer Ther Roaxd
Morhing Rirer Th4 Roadd Morhning Rirder Th4e Roa

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