Partridge Family
My Christmas Card To You

To you and all your family, your neighbors and your friends
May all your days be happy with a joy that never ends
May peace and love surround you
at Christmas time and all the whole year through

I'm looking out my window at the softly falling snow
that dances in the early morning light
I got my guitar right before me, strummin' a beautiful sound
watching it a-comin' down, all around
on the fields and the farms and the road to town

And I'm thinkin' up a letter that I'm writin' in my head
a Christmas card to all the folks I love
Instead of lettin' the postman bring it, I decided I'd rather sing it
especially for you, for you

To you and all your family, your neighbors and your friends
May all your days be happy with a joy that never ends
May peace and love surround you
at Christmas time and all the whole year through

May your life be filled with sunshine, may your every wish come true
May you find the sweet fulfillment in everything you do
May your days be blessed with the very very best
both now and the whole year through
it says so in my Christmas card to

You and all your family, your neighbors and your friends
May all your days be happy with a joy that never ends
May peace and love surround you
at Christmas time and all the whole year through
at Christmas time and all the whole year through

Mirror lyrics:

at Christmas time and all the whole year through
at Christmas time and all the whole year through
May peace and love surround you
May all your days be happy with a joy that never ends
You and all your family, your neighbors and your friends

it says so in my Christmas card to
both now and the whole year through
May your days be blessed with the very very best
May you find the sweet fulfillment in everything you do
May your life be filled with sunshine, may your every wish come true

at Christmas time and all the whole year through
May peace and love surround you
May all your days be happy with a joy that never ends
To you and all your family, your neighbors and your friends

especially for you, for you
Instead of lettin' the postman bring it, I decided I'd rather sing it
a Christmas card to all the folks I love
And I'm thinkin' up a letter that I'm writin' in my head

on the fields and the farms and the road to town
watching it a-comin' down, all around
I got my guitar right before me, strummin' a beautiful sound
that dances in the early morning light
I'm looking out my window at the softly falling snow

at Christmas time and all the whole year through
May peace and love surround you
May all your days be happy with a joy that never ends
To you and all your family, your neighbors and your friends

Relevant Tags:
MMy CChristmas CCard TTo YYou y hristmas ard o ou yM hCristmas aCrd oT oYu jy fhristmas fard fo gou jMy fChristmas fCard fTo gYou Mjy Cfhristmas Cfard Tfo Ygou
ky xhristmas xard 5o hou kMy xChristmas xCard 5To hYou Mky Cxhristmas Cxard T5o Yhou ny vhristmas vard ho 6ou nMy vChristmas vCard hTo 6You Mny Cvhristmas Cvard Tho Y6ou
Myy dhristmas dard yo uou M dChristmas dCard yTo uYou My Cdhristmas Cdard Tyo Yuou Mg Chhristmas Caard 6o 7ou Mgy Cristmas Crd 6To 7You Myg Crhistmas Crad T6o Y7ou
Mh Cjristmas Czrd go jou Mhy Cjhristmas Czard gTo jYou Myh Chjristmas Cazrd Tgo Yjou M6 Curistmas Cqrd ro tou M6y Cuhristmas Cqard rTo tYou My6 Churistmas Caqrd Tro Ytou
Mu Cnristmas Csrd Too Yoou Muy Cnhristmas Csard T Yu Myu Chnristmas Casrd To Yuo M7 Cbristmas Cwrd Tk Yku M7y Cbhristmas Cward Tko Ykou My7 Chbristmas Cawrd Tok Yoku
Mj Cgristmas Cxrd T9 Y9u Cghristmas T9o Y9ou Myj Chgristmas Caxrd To9 Yo9u Mt Cyristmas Carrd T0 Y0u Mty Cyhristmas Cad T0o Y0ou Myt Chyristmas Cadr To0 Yo0u
Chrristmas Cadd Tl Ylu Chistmas Cadrd Tlo Ylou Chirstmas Cardd Tol Yolu Chdistmas Ca4d Ti Yiu Chdristmas Ca4rd Tio Yiou Chrdistmas Car4d Toi Yoiu
Ch4istmas Cagd Youu Ch4ristmas Cagrd Yo Chr4istmas Cargd You Chgistmas Catd Yoh Catrd Yohu Chrgistmas Cartd Youh
Chtistmas Ca5d Yo7 Chtristmas Ca5rd Yo7u Chrtistmas Car5d You7 Ch5istmas Cafd Yok Ch5ristmas Cafrd Chr5istmas Carfd Youk
Chfistmas Caed Yoi Chfristmas Caerd Chrfistmas Cared Youi Cheistmas Yo8 Cheristmas Car Yo8u Chreistmas Card You8
Chriistmas Carx Yoj Chrstmas Carxd Yoju Chrsitmas Cardx Youj Chrjstmas Care Yoy Chrjistmas Yoyu Chrijstmas Carde Youy
Chr9stmas Carf Chr9istmas Chri9stmas Cardf Chrlstmas Carr Chrlistmas Chrilstmas Cardr
Chrostmas Carc Chroistmas Carcd Chriostmas Cardc Chrkstmas Cars Chrkistmas Carsd Chrikstmas Cards
Chr8stmas Chr8istmas Chri8stmas Chrustmas Chruistmas Chriustmas
Chrisstmas Chritmas Chritsmas

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