Parry Gripp
Last Train To Awesometown

Last train
Last train
Last train
To awesome town
Last train to awesome town
Come on everybody wont you party with me now
Last train to awesome town
Come on wont you party with me
Last train to awesome town
The roof is on fire gonna burn it to the ground yeah
Last train to awesome town
Come on wont you party with me
This party is sick
This party is sick
This party is sick
Dude Dude Dude Dude
This party has like 5 different kinds of nachos!
Whoa thatÂ's off the hook crazy!
5 different nachos
5 different nachos
5 different nachos
5 different nachos
Last train to awesome town
Come on everybody wont you party with me now
Last train to awesome town
Come on wont you party with me
Dude Dude Dude Dude!
Last train to awesome town
The roof is on fire gonna burn it to the ground yeah
Last train to awesome town
Come on wont you party with me
Party with me
Party with me
Party with me
Party with me

5 different nachos!

Mirror lyrics:

5 different nachos!

Party with me
Party with me
Party with me
Party with me
Come on wont you party with me
Last train to awesome town
The roof is on fire gonna burn it to the ground yeah
Last train to awesome town
Dude Dude Dude Dude!
Come on wont you party with me
Last train to awesome town
Come on everybody wont you party with me now
Last train to awesome town
5 different nachos
5 different nachos
5 different nachos
5 different nachos
Whoa thatÂ's off the hook crazy!
This party has like 5 different kinds of nachos!
Dude Dude Dude Dude
This party is sick
This party is sick
This party is sick
Come on wont you party with me
Last train to awesome town
The roof is on fire gonna burn it to the ground yeah
Last train to awesome town
Come on wont you party with me
Last train to awesome town
Come on everybody wont you party with me now
Last train to awesome town
To awesome town
Last train
Last train
Last train

Relevant Tags:
LLast TTrain TTo AAwesometown ast rain o wesometown aLst rTain oT wAesometown kast frain fo zwesometown kLast fTrain fTo zAwesometown
Lkast Tfrain Tfo Azwesometown oast 5rain 5o qwesometown oLast 5Train 5To qAwesometown Loast T5rain T5o Aqwesometown past hrain ho swesometown
pLast hTrain hTo sAwesometown Lpast Thrain Tho Aswesometown Laast yrain yo wwesometown Lst yTrain yTo wAwesometown Lsat Tyrain Tyo Awwesometown
Lzst 6rain 6o xwesometown Lzast 6Train 6To xAwesometown Lazst T6rain T6o Axwesometown Lqst grain go Lqast gTrain gTo Aesometown
Laqst Tgrain Tgo Aewsometown Lsst rrain ro Aaesometown Lsast rTrain rTo Aawesometown Lasst Trrain Tro Awaesometown Lwst Too A3esometown
Lwast Tain T A3wesometown Lawst Tarin To Aw3esometown Lxst Tdain Tk Adesometown Lxast Tdrain Tko Adwesometown Laxst Trdain Tok Awdesometown
T4ain T9 Aeesometown Lat T4rain T9o Aewesometown Lats Tr4ain To9 Aweesometown Lazt Tgain T0 Asesometown T0o
Laszt Trgain To0 Awsesometown Lawt Ttain Tl A2esometown Ttrain Tlo A2wesometown Laswt Trtain Tol Aw2esometown Ladt T5ain Ti Aqesometown
Ladst Tio Lasdt Tr5ain Toi Awqesometown Laet Tfain Laest Awsometown Laset Trfain Awseometown
Laxt Teain Awssometown Terain Lasxt Treain Awessometown Laat Traain Aw3sometown Trin
Lasat Trian Awe3sometown Lastt Trzin Awfsometown Las Trzain Awfesometown Last Trazin Awefsometown Lasf Trqin Awrsometown
Lasft Trqain Awresometown Lastf Traqin Awersometown Las5 Trsin Aw4sometown Las5t Trsain Aw4esometown Last5 Trasin Awe4sometown
Lash Trwin Awdsometown Lasht Trwain Lasth Trawin Awedsometown Lasy Trxin Awwsometown Lasyt Trxain
Lasty Traxin Awewsometown Las6 Traiin Las6t Tran Aweometown Last6 Trani Aweosmetown Lasg Trajn Awezometown
Lasgt Trajin Awezsometown Lastg Traijn Aweszometown Lasr Tra9n Awewometown Lasrt Tra9in Lastr Trai9n Aweswometown
Traln Awedometown Tralin Trailn Awesdometown Traon Aweeometown Traoin
Traion Aweseometown Trakn Awexometown Trakin Awexsometown Traikn Awesxometown Tra8n Aweaometown
Tra8in Aweasometown Trai8n Awesaometown Traun Awesoometown Trauin Awesmetown Traiun Awesmoetown
Trainn Aweskmetown Trai Aweskometown Train Awesokmetown Traim Awes9metown Traimn Awes9ometown
Trainm Aweso9metown Traih Awes0metown Traihn Awes0ometown Trainh Aweso0metown Traij Aweslmetown
Aweslometown Trainj Awesolmetown Traib Awesimetown Traibn Awesiometown

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