Partridge Family
You Are Always On My Mind


Wake up in the mornin' feelin' all right 'till I recall
You're gone from my life and I stare like a dummy against the wall
Since you've been away, oh, yes, I am uptight
It's a fact of my life I guess I'll try to fight
I could be so good for you if I had that right
If I had that right

You Are Always On My Mind
Have I gotta go through this old life
day after day and find
You there on my mind

You are always on my mind
Have I gotta go through this old life
day after day and find
You there on my mind

I don't understand you at all but I don't care
Still a lot of good love in our lives for us to share

You might think it's sad, but I'm together now, yeah, you laugh, huh
I know it's true I'm much better now
You ought to come on by and see for yourself just how
I'm much better now

You are always on my mind
Have I gotta go through this old life
day after day and find
You there on my mind

You are always on my mind
Have I gotta go through this old life
day after day and find
You there on my mind


Mirror lyrics:


You there on my mind
day after day and find
Have I gotta go through this old life
You are always on my mind

You there on my mind
day after day and find
Have I gotta go through this old life
You are always on my mind

I'm much better now
You ought to come on by and see for yourself just how
I know it's true I'm much better now
You might think it's sad, but I'm together now, yeah, you laugh, huh

Still a lot of good love in our lives for us to share
I don't understand you at all but I don't care

You there on my mind
day after day and find
Have I gotta go through this old life
You are always on my mind

You there on my mind
day after day and find
Have I gotta go through this old life
You Are Always On My Mind

If I had that right
I could be so good for you if I had that right
It's a fact of my life I guess I'll try to fight
Since you've been away, oh, yes, I am uptight
You're gone from my life and I stare like a dummy against the wall
Wake up in the mornin' feelin' all right 'till I recall


Relevant Tags:
YYou AAre AAlways OOn MMy MMind ou re lways n y ind oYu rAe lAways nO yM iMnd gou zre zlways kn jy jind gYou zAre zAlways kOn jMy jMind
Ygou Azre Azlways Okn Mjy Mjind hou qre qlways 9n ky kind hYou qAre qAlways 9On kMy kMind Yhou Aqre Aqlways O9n Mky Mkind 6ou sre slways 0n ny nind
6You sAre sAlways 0On nMy nMind Y6ou Asre Aslways O0n Mny Mnind uou wre wlways ln Myy Miind uYou wAre wAlways lOn M Mnd Yuou Awre Awlways Oln My Mnid
7ou xre xlways in Mg Mjnd 7You xAre xAlways iOn Mgy Y7ou Axre Axlways Oin Myg Mijnd jou Arre Allways Onn Mh M9nd jYou Ae Aways O Mhy M9ind
Yjou Aer Awlays On Myh Mi9nd tou Ade Akways Om M6 Mlnd tYou Adre Aklways Omn M6y Mlind Ytou Arde Alkways Onm My6 Milnd Yoou A4e Aoways Oh Mu Mond
Yu A4re Aolways Ohn Muy Moind Yuo Ar4e Aloways Onh Myu Miond Yku Age Apways Oj M7 Mknd Ykou Agre Aplways Ojn M7y Yoku Arge Alpways Onj My7 Miknd
Y9u Ate Alwways Ob Mj M8nd Y9ou Atre Alays Obn M8ind Yo9u Arte Alawys Onb Myj Mi8nd Y0u A5e Alaays Mt Mund Y0ou A5re Alaways Mty Muind
Yo0u Ar5e Alwaays Myt Miund Ylu Afe Al3ays Minnd Ylou Afre Al3ways Mid Yolu Arfe Alw3ays Midn Yiu Aee Aldays Mimd
Yiou Aere Aldways Mimnd Yoiu Aree Alwdays Minmd Youu Aleays Mihd Yo Ar Aleways Mihnd You Are Alweays Minhd
Yoh Ars Alsays Mijd Yohu Arse Alsways Youh Ares Alwsays Minjd Yo7 Ar3 Al2ays Mibd Yo7u Ar3e Al2ways Mibnd
You7 Are3 Alw2ays Minbd Yok Arf Alqays Mindd Alqways Min Youk Aref Alwqays Mind Yoi Arr Minx
Alwys Minxd Youi Arer Alwyas Mindx

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