Paddy Casey
Whatever Gets You True

Know you like to run away
Just a game you like to play
Pretend you're free for one day
And maybe give your heart away
And it might be good for you
So, whatever gets you t'ru' (Dub Irish pronunciation of 'through')
So whatever gets you t'ru'

When an open fire just won't suffice
And your home's been built on sacrifice
Might sound good, but it is nice
And you rarely get to play with a rollin' dice
Like all those humans do
So whatever gets you t'ru'
So whatever gets you t'ru'

Know you like to stay out late
Waiting for some relevate
I know you like your whiskey straight
So your mind can elevate
Well me, I like elevators too
So whatever gets you t'ru'
So whatever gets you t'ru'

Well me, I'm only human too
So whatever gets you t'ru'
So whatever gets you t'ru'
So whatever gets you t'ru'

Mirror lyrics:

So whatever gets you t'ru'
So whatever gets you t'ru'
So whatever gets you t'ru'
Well me, I'm only human too

So whatever gets you t'ru'
So whatever gets you t'ru'
Well me, I like elevators too
So your mind can elevate
I know you like your whiskey straight
Waiting for some relevate
Know you like to stay out late

So whatever gets you t'ru'
So whatever gets you t'ru'
Like all those humans do
And you rarely get to play with a rollin' dice
Might sound good, but it is nice
And your home's been built on sacrifice
When an open fire just won't suffice

So whatever gets you t'ru'
So, whatever gets you t'ru' (Dub Irish pronunciation of 'through')
And it might be good for you
And maybe give your heart away
Pretend you're free for one day
Just a game you like to play
Know you like to run away

Relevant Tags:
WWhatever GGets YYou TTrue hatever ets ou rue hWatever eGts oYu rTue ahatever hets gou frue aWhatever hGets gYou fTrue Wahatever Ghets Ygou Tfrue
3hatever yets hou 5rue 3Whatever yGets hYou 5True W3hatever Gyets Yhou T5rue dhatever bets 6ou hrue dWhatever bGets 6You hTrue Wdhatever Gbets Y6ou Thrue
ehatever vets uou yrue eWhatever vGets uYou yTrue Wehatever Gvets Yuou Tyrue shatever fets 7ou 6rue sWhatever fGets 7You 6True Wshatever Gfets Y7ou T6rue
2hatever tets jou grue 2Whatever tGets jYou gTrue W2hatever Gtets Yjou Tgrue qhatever Geets tou rrue qWhatever Gts tYou rTrue Wqhatever Gtes Ytou Trrue
Whhatever Gsts Yoou Watever Gsets Yu Tue Wahtever Gests Yuo Ture Wjatever G3ts Yku Tdue Wjhatever G3ets Ykou Tdrue Whjatever Ge3ts Yoku Trdue
Wuatever Gfts Y9u T4ue Wuhatever Y9ou T4rue Whuatever Gefts Yo9u Tr4ue Wnatever Grts Y0u Tgue Wnhatever Grets Y0ou Whnatever Gerts Yo0u Trgue
Wbatever G4ts Ylu Ttue Wbhatever G4ets Ylou Ttrue Whbatever Ge4ts Yolu Trtue Wgatever Gdts Yiu T5ue Wghatever Gdets Yiou Whgatever Gedts Yoiu Tr5ue
Wyatever Gwts Youu Tfue Wyhatever Gwets Yo Whyatever Gewts You Trfue Whaatever Getts Yoh Teue Whtever Ges Yohu Terue Whtaever Gest Youh Treue
Whztever Gefs Yo7 Truue Whzatever Yo7u Tre Whaztever Getfs You7 Treu Whqtever Ge5s Yok Trhe Whqatever Ge5ts Trhue Whaqtever Get5s Youk Truhe
Whstever Gehs Yoi Tr7e Whsatever Gehts Tr7ue Whastever Geths Youi Tru7e Whwtever Geys Yo8 Trke Whwatever Geyts Yo8u Trkue Whawtever Getys You8 Truke
Whxtever Ge6s Yoj Trie Whxatever Ge6ts Yoju Triue Whaxtever Get6s Youj Truie Whattever Gegs Yoy Tr8e Whaever Gegts Yoyu Tr8ue Whaetver Getgs Youy Tru8e
Whafever Gers Trje Whaftever Trjue Whatfever Getrs Truje Wha5ever Getss Trye Wha5tever Get Tryue What5ever Gets Truye
Whahever Getz Truee Whahtever Getzs Tru Whathever Getsz True Whayever Getw Trus Whaytever Getws Truse Whatyever Getsw Trues
Wha6ever Getd Tru3 Wha6tever Getds Tru3e What6ever Getsd True3 Whagever Gete Truf Whagtever Getes Trufe

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