Paging Grace
Take Back Your Freedom

You're no mistake
You don't deserve this
It took every bit of beauty you had

Right down to the heart
Right down thru the surface
See you opened your life
And that's a life I can't bare to lose

Take back your freedom
Take back every little thing that you used to
Luck don't seem to wanna come around
You kick open that door

We're gonna get by
We'll make it through this
No matter how hard we must fight
There's no need for goodbyes now
It'll never own you
You tucked your soul away
And that's not where it's gonna be no more

I can't push you any harder than I'm trying
It's up to you
But I can see the moon in your eyes, you're tired
Time to move yourself

Sit back you're free now
It just took every little ounce of strength that you had
But I swear that you sang

Mirror lyrics:

But I swear that you sang
It just took every little ounce of strength that you had
Sit back you're free now

Time to move yourself
But I can see the moon in your eyes, you're tired
It's up to you
I can't push you any harder than I'm trying

And that's not where it's gonna be no more
You tucked your soul away
It'll never own you
There's no need for goodbyes now
No matter how hard we must fight
We'll make it through this
We're gonna get by

You kick open that door
Luck don't seem to wanna come around
Take back every little thing that you used to
Take back your freedom

And that's a life I can't bare to lose
See you opened your life
Right down thru the surface
Right down to the heart

It took every bit of beauty you had
You don't deserve this
You're no mistake

Relevant Tags:
TTake BBack YYour FFreedom ake ack our reedom aTke aBck oYur rFeedom fake vack gour creedom fTake vBack gYour cFreedom Tfake Bvack Ygour Fcreedom
5ake gack hour rreedom 5Take gBack hYour rFreedom T5ake Bgack Yhour Frreedom hake nack 6our greedom hTake nBack 6Your gFreedom Thake Bnack Y6our Fgreedom
yake hack uour treedom yTake hBack uYour tFreedom Tyake Bhack Yuour Ftreedom 6ake Baack 7our vreedom 6Take Bck 7Your vFreedom T6ake Bcak Y7our Fvreedom
gake Bzck jour dreedom gTake Bzack jYour dFreedom Tgake Bazck Yjour Fdreedom rake Bqck tour rTake Bqack tYour Feedom Trake Baqck Ytour Feredom
Taake Bsck Yoour Fdeedom Tke Bsack Yur Tkae Basck Yuor Frdeedom Tzke Bwck Ykur F4eedom Tzake Bwack Ykour F4reedom Tazke Bawck Yokur Fr4eedom
Tqke Bxck Y9ur Fgeedom Tqake Bxack Y9our Taqke Baxck Yo9ur Frgeedom Tske Bacck Y0ur Fteedom Tsake Bak Y0our Taske Bakc Yo0ur Frteedom
Twke Bafk Ylur F5eedom Twake Bafck Ylour F5reedom Tawke Bacfk Yolur Fr5eedom Txke Baxk Yiur Ffeedom Txake Yiour Ffreedom Taxke Bacxk Yoiur Frfeedom
Takke Bavk Youur Feeedom Tae Bavck Yor Fereedom Taek Bacvk Yoru Freeedom Tale Badk Yohr Talke Badck Yohur Fredom Takle Bacdk Youhr Freedom
Taoe Backk Yo7r Frsedom Taoke Bac Yo7ur Frseedom Takoe Back You7r Fresedom Tame Bacl Yokr Fr3edom Tamke Baclk Fr3eedom Takme Backl Youkr Fre3edom
Taje Baco Yoir Frfedom Tajke Bacok Takje Backo Youir Frefedom Taie Bacm Yo8r Frredom Taike Bacmk Yo8ur Takie Backm You8r Freredom

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