Pale Saints
The Colour Of The Sky

It was always you

I can't recall the colour of the sky
But that's not important
We were walking down the hill
When I noticed that you were limping
So I bent down to examine your paw
I can see something
A speck of white in your pad
I've got it in between my fingernails
It's growing
I'm pulling it
It's growing

Why doesn't it hurt?
Why doesn't it hurt?
It came out cleanly
There was no mess
A gigantic anchor made out of bone
We left it at the side of the pavement and walked on

I could hear you laughing

Mirror lyrics:

I could hear you laughing

We left it at the side of the pavement and walked on
A gigantic anchor made out of bone
There was no mess
It came out cleanly
Why doesn't it hurt?
Why doesn't it hurt?

It's growing
I'm pulling it
It's growing
I've got it in between my fingernails
A speck of white in your pad
I can see something
So I bent down to examine your paw
When I noticed that you were limping
We were walking down the hill
But that's not important
I can't recall the colour of the sky

It was always you

Relevant Tags:
TThe CColour OOf TThe SSky he olour f he ky hTe oClour fO hTe kSy fhe folour kf fhe zky fThe fColour kOf fThe zSky Tfhe Cfolour Okf Tfhe Szky
5he xolour 9f 5he wky 5The xColour 9Of 5The wSky T5he Cxolour O9f T5he Swky hhe volour 0f hhe dky hThe vColour 0Of hThe dSky Thhe Cvolour O0f Thhe Sdky
yhe dolour lf yhe eky yThe dColour lOf yThe eSky Tyhe Cdolour Olf Tyhe Seky 6he Coolour if 6he xky 6The Clour iOf 6The xSky T6he Cloour Oif T6he Sxky
ghe Cklour Off ghe aky gThe Ckolour O gThe aSky Tghe Coklour Of Tghe Saky rhe C9lour Oc rhe Skky rThe C9olour Ocf rThe Sy Trhe Co9lour Ofc Trhe Syk
C0lour Or Sly Te C0olour Orf Te Slky Teh Co0lour Ofr Teh Skly Tje Cllour Og Tje Soy Tjhe Clolour Ogf Tjhe Soky Thje Collour Ofg Thje Skoy
Tue Cilour Ot Tue Smy Tuhe Ciolour Otf Tuhe Smky Thue Coilour Oft Thue Skmy Tne Ov Tne Sjy Tnhe Coour Ovf Tnhe Sjky Thne Coolur Ofv Thne Skjy
Tbe Cokour Od Tbe Siy Tbhe Odf Tbhe Siky Thbe Colkour Ofd Thbe Skiy Tge Cooour Tge Skyy Sk Thge Coloour Thge Sky
Tye Copour Tye Skg Coplour Skgy Thye Colpour Thye Skyg Thee Thee Skh Th Colur Th Skhy The Coluor The Skyh
Ths Colkur Ths Sk6 Thse Thse Sk6y Thes Colokur Thes Sky6 Th3 Col9ur Th3 Sku

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