Never alone
Stick fast to him
As shadows loom
It tracks him everywhere he goes
Surgeon's hands
The only way
To free him from
The one he begs will disappear
Feels free in his sleep
But there no such peace
Waits for him to awake
Laughs in his face
Falls to his embrace
Never alone
Says to him
Shadows long
Shadows everywhere
Feels freedom is sleep
But there's no such peace
Waits for him to wake
Laughs in his face
Falls to him
Feels freedom is sleep
But there no such peace
Waits for him to awake
Laughs in his face
Falls to his embrace
Falls to his embrace
Laughs in his face
Waits for him to awake
But there no such peace
Feels freedom is sleep
Falls to him
Laughs in his face
Waits for him to wake
But there's no such peace
Feels freedom is sleep
Shadows everywhere
Shadows long
Says to him
Never alone
Falls to his embrace
Laughs in his face
Waits for him to awake
But there no such peace
Feels free in his sleep
The one he begs will disappear
To free him from
The only way
Surgeon's hands
It tracks him everywhere he goes
As shadows loom
Stick fast to him
Never alone
HHunted |
| unted |
| uHnted |
| junted |
| jHunted |
| Hjunted |
| uunted |
| uHunted |
| Huunted |
| nunted |
| nHunted |
Hnunted |
| bunted |
| bHunted |
| Hbunted |
| gunted |
| gHunted |
| Hgunted |
| yunted |
| yHunted |
| Hyunted |
| Hnted |
Hnuted |
| Hhnted |
| Hhunted |
| Huhnted |
| H7nted |
| H7unted |
| Hu7nted |
| Hknted |
| Hkunted |
| Huknted |
| Hinted |
Hiunted |
| Huinted |
| H8nted |
| H8unted |
| Hu8nted |
| Hjnted |
| Hujnted |
| Hynted |
| Huynted |
| Hunnted |
| Huted |
Hutned |
| Humted |
| Humnted |
| Hunmted |
| Huhted |
| Hunhted |
| Hujted |
| Hunjted |
| Hubted |