Pain Teens
Indiscreet Jewels

Let me whisper to you, tell you all that I know

of my pleasure and fantasy, give you a show

An invisible frenzy or machines of desire

Do you want to hear more of my perpetual fire?

The jewels will speak in the silence of night

They will tell you my secrets of forbidden delight

>From their indiscretion you'll at last understand

Each new sensation that your body demands.

In the realm of the visible, nothing is clear

What's within reach one moment may soon disappear

When you touch the eternal, nothing's ever the same--

the indiscreet jewels are whispering your name.

Mirror lyrics:

the indiscreet jewels are whispering your name.

When you touch the eternal, nothing's ever the same--

What's within reach one moment may soon disappear

In the realm of the visible, nothing is clear

Each new sensation that your body demands.

>From their indiscretion you'll at last understand

They will tell you my secrets of forbidden delight

The jewels will speak in the silence of night

Do you want to hear more of my perpetual fire?

An invisible frenzy or machines of desire

of my pleasure and fantasy, give you a show

Let me whisper to you, tell you all that I know

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IIndiscreet JJewels ndiscreet ewels nIdiscreet eJwels jndiscreet kewels jIndiscreet kJewels Ijndiscreet Jkewels
9ndiscreet iewels 9Indiscreet iJewels I9ndiscreet Jiewels lndiscreet mewels lIndiscreet mJewels Ilndiscreet Jmewels
ondiscreet newels oIndiscreet nJewels Iondiscreet Jnewels kndiscreet hewels kIndiscreet hJewels Ikndiscreet Jhewels
8ndiscreet uewels 8Indiscreet uJewels I8ndiscreet Juewels undiscreet Jeewels uIndiscreet Jwels Iundiscreet Jweels
Inndiscreet Jswels Idiscreet Jsewels Idniscreet Jeswels Imdiscreet J3wels Imndiscreet J3ewels Inmdiscreet Je3wels
Ihdiscreet Jfwels Ihndiscreet Jfewels Inhdiscreet Jefwels Ijdiscreet Jrwels Jrewels Injdiscreet Jerwels
Ibdiscreet J4wels Ibndiscreet J4ewels Inbdiscreet Je4wels Inddiscreet Jdwels Iniscreet Jdewels Inidscreet Jedwels
Inxiscreet Jwwels Inxdiscreet Jwewels Indxiscreet Jewwels Ineiscreet Inediscreet Jeels Indeiscreet Jeewls
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Indisscreet Jew4ls Indicreet Jew4els Indicsreet Jewe4ls Indizcreet Jewdls Indizscreet Indiszcreet Jewedls
Indiwcreet Jewwls Indiwscreet Indiswcreet Jewewls Indidcreet Jewells Indidscreet Jewes Indisdcreet Jewesl
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