It's All About Me

You think you know me
you got no clue
you think I'm easy but I'm nobody's fool
you and your feelings
they got no room
you got no option but to keep your cool

I don't care if you leave me
I don't care if you're walking out that door
I don't care if you hate me
I don't care if you wanted something more
I don't care
what used to be
It's all about me

there is no country
for fools like you
if you are only able to be untrue
through flames and fire
through blood and stone
i will knock you down from your throne

I don't care if you leave me
I don't care if you're walking out that door
I don't care if you hate me
I don't care if you wanted something more
I don't care
what used to be

I don't care if you leave me
I don't care if you're walking out that door
I don't care if you hate me
I don't care if you wanted something more
I don't care
what used to be
It's all about me.

Mirror lyrics:

It's all about me.
what used to be
I don't care
I don't care if you wanted something more
I don't care if you hate me
I don't care if you're walking out that door
I don't care if you leave me

what used to be
I don't care
I don't care if you wanted something more
I don't care if you hate me
I don't care if you're walking out that door
I don't care if you leave me

i will knock you down from your throne
through blood and stone
through flames and fire
if you are only able to be untrue
for fools like you
there is no country

It's all about me
what used to be
I don't care
I don't care if you wanted something more
I don't care if you hate me
I don't care if you're walking out that door
I don't care if you leave me

you got no option but to keep your cool
they got no room
you and your feelings
you think I'm easy but I'm nobody's fool
you got no clue
You think you know me

Relevant Tags:
IIt's AAll AAbout MMe t's ll bout e tI's lAl bAout eM jt's zll zbout je jIt's zAll zAbout jMe Ijt's Azll Azbout Mje
9t's qll qbout ke 9It's qAll qAbout kMe I9t's Aqll Aqbout Mke lt's sll sbout ne lIt's sAll sAbout nMe Ilt's Asll Asbout Mne
ot's wll wbout Mee oIt's wAll wAbout M Iot's Awll Awbout Me kt's xll xbout Ms kIt's xAll xAbout Mse Ikt's Axll Axbout Mes
8t's Alll Abbout M3 8It's Al Aout M3e I8t's All Aobut Me3 ut's Akl Avout Mf uIt's Akll Avbout Mfe Iut's Alkl Abvout Mef
Itt's Aol Agout Mr I's Aoll Agbout Mre I'ts Alol Abgout Mer If's Apl Anout M4 Ift's Apll Anbout M4e Itf's Alpl Abnout Me4
I5's Ahout Md I5t's Ahbout Mde It5's Abhout Med Ih's Alk Aboout Mw Iht's Abut Mwe Ith's Allk Abuot Mew
Iy's Alo Abkut Iyt's Abkout Ity's Allo Abokut I6's Alp Ab9ut I6t's Ab9out It6's Allp Abo9ut
Ig's Ab0ut Igt's Ab0out Itg's Abo0ut Ir's Ablut Irt's Ablout Itr's Abolut

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