Pam Tillis
I Was Bown Away

You drove up in your pickup truck
That hot September day
Not a wisp of wind in the parking lot
But honey, I was blown away

And later on that fall at the Dixie Mall
When I didn't know what to say
I'd seen hide nor hair and no dynamite
But honey, I was blown away

Big sister said, "You'd better watch out"
I slammed my door and said
"You don't know what you're talkin' about"

Mama said I sang when the telephone rang
And she called out, "Honey, it's Ray"
And like a piece of dust on a four lane road
Honey, I was blown away

I'm talking 'bout smithereens
Just you in a pair of jeans
Now, I know what crazy means

Big sister said, "You'd better watch out"
I slammed my door and said
"You don't know what you're talkin' about"

Then one Tuesday night daddy said
Some guy's on the porch with a big bouquet
And then you stood out there with your
Slicked back hair, I was blown away

And when we slipped out back across the railroad track
And you softly touched my face
Well, I never did feel a train go by
But honey, I was blown away

Well, I never did feel a train go by
But I was blown away

Mirror lyrics:

But I was blown away
Well, I never did feel a train go by

But honey, I was blown away
Well, I never did feel a train go by
And you softly touched my face
And when we slipped out back across the railroad track

Slicked back hair, I was blown away
And then you stood out there with your
Some guy's on the porch with a big bouquet
Then one Tuesday night daddy said

"You don't know what you're talkin' about"
I slammed my door and said
Big sister said, "You'd better watch out"

Now, I know what crazy means
Just you in a pair of jeans
I'm talking 'bout smithereens

Honey, I was blown away
And like a piece of dust on a four lane road
And she called out, "Honey, it's Ray"
Mama said I sang when the telephone rang

"You don't know what you're talkin' about"
I slammed my door and said
Big sister said, "You'd better watch out"

But honey, I was blown away
I'd seen hide nor hair and no dynamite
When I didn't know what to say
And later on that fall at the Dixie Mall

But honey, I was blown away
Not a wisp of wind in the parking lot
That hot September day
You drove up in your pickup truck

Relevant Tags:
II WWas BBown AAway as own way I aWs oBwn wAay j aas vown zway jI aWas vBown zAway Ij Waas Bvown Azway 9 3as gown qway
9I 3Was gBown qAway I9 W3as Bgown Aqway l das nown sway lI dWas nBown sAway Il Wdas Bnown Asway o eas hown wway oI eWas hBown wAway
Io Weas Bhown Awway k sas Boown xway kI sWas Bwn xAway Ik Wsas Bwon Axway 8 2as Bkwn 8I 2Was Bkown Aay I8 W2as Bokwn Aawy
u qas B9wn Aaay uI qWas B9own Aaway Iu Wqas Bo9wn Awaay B0wn A3ay Ws B0own A3way Wsa Bo0wn Aw3ay Wzs Blwn Aday
Wzas Blown Adway Wazs Bolwn Awday Wqs Biwn Aeay Biown Aeway Waqs Boiwn Aweay Wss Bowwn Asay Bon
Wass Bonw Awsay Wws Boan A2ay Wwas Boawn A2way Waws Bowan Aw2ay

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