Paul Oakenfold
Hold Your Hand

Maybe I find it hard
Watching you live
Maybe I find the truth
Questions I can?t bare
Feeling so tired
I?m wondering where
Selfish love inspires
Are you there to hold my hand
Saving me who I spy

Maybe you are the rain
Who makes my eyes closed
Ocean?s grey and grey
Feeling my despair
Your happy smile is broken
I?m wondering there
Selfish love has spoken

Are you here to hold
Are you there to hold my hand
Selfish love has spoken
Saving me who I spy
Are you here to hold
Are you there to hold my hand
Selfish love has spoken
Saving me who I spy
Are you here to hold
Are you there to hold my hand
Selfish love has spoken
Saving me who I spy

Mirror lyrics:

Saving me who I spy
Selfish love has spoken
Are you there to hold my hand
Are you here to hold
Saving me who I spy
Selfish love has spoken
Are you there to hold my hand
Are you here to hold
Saving me who I spy
Selfish love has spoken
Are you there to hold my hand
Are you here to hold

Selfish love has spoken
I?m wondering there
Your happy smile is broken
Feeling my despair
Ocean?s grey and grey
Who makes my eyes closed
Maybe you are the rain

Saving me who I spy
Are you there to hold my hand
Selfish love inspires
I?m wondering where
Feeling so tired
Questions I can?t bare
Maybe I find the truth
Watching you live
Maybe I find it hard

Relevant Tags:
HHold YYour HHand old our and oHld oYur aHnd jold gour jand jHold gYour jHand Hjold Ygour Hjand uold hour uand uHold hYour uHand
Huold Yhour Huand nold 6our nand nHold 6Your nHand Hnold Y6our Hnand bold uour band bHold uYour bHand Hbold Yuour Hband gold 7our gand
gHold 7Your gHand Hgold Y7our Hgand yold jour yand yHold jYour yHand Hyold Yjour Hyand Hoold tour Haand Hld tYour Hnd Hlod Ytour Hnad
Hkld Yoour Hznd Hkold Yur Hzand Hokld Yuor Haznd H9ld Ykur Hqnd H9old Ykour Hqand Ho9ld Yokur Haqnd H0ld Y9ur Hsnd H0old Y9our Hsand
Ho0ld Yo9ur Hasnd Hlld Y0ur Hwnd Hlold Y0our Hwand Holld Yo0ur Hawnd Hild Ylur Hxnd Hiold Ylour Hxand Hoild Yolur Haxnd Yiur Hannd
Hod Yiour Had Hodl Yoiur Hadn Hokd Youur Hamd Yor Hamnd

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