Paul Mccartney
We Got Married

Going fast, coming soon

We made love in the afternoon

Found a flat, after that

We got married

Working hard for the dream

Scoring goals for the other team

Times were bad, we were glad

We got married

I love the way you open up your hearts to each other

When you find a meeting of the minds

Just as well love was all we ever wanted

It was all we ever had

Further on in the game

Waiting up till the children came

Place your bets, no regrets

We got married, we got married, we got married

Nowadays every night flashes by

At the speed of light

Living life, loving wife

We got married

Ohh, I love the things that happen when we start to discover

Who we are and what we're living for

Just because love was all we ever wanted

It was all we ever had

It's not just a loving machine

It doesn't work out if you don't work out at it

It's not just a loving machine

It doesn't work out if you don't work out at it

It's not just a loving machine

It doesn't work out if you don't work out at it

It's not just a loving machine

It doesn't work out if you don't work out at it

It's not just a loving machine

It doesn't work out if you don't work out at it

Oh, ooh, ohh

It's not just a loving machine

It doesn't work out if you don't work out at it

Oh, ooh, ohh

Mirror lyrics:

Oh, ooh, ohh

It doesn't work out if you don't work out at it

It's not just a loving machine

Oh, ooh, ohh

It doesn't work out if you don't work out at it

It's not just a loving machine

It doesn't work out if you don't work out at it

It's not just a loving machine

It doesn't work out if you don't work out at it

It's not just a loving machine

It doesn't work out if you don't work out at it

It's not just a loving machine

It doesn't work out if you don't work out at it

It's not just a loving machine

It was all we ever had

Just because love was all we ever wanted

Who we are and what we're living for

Ohh, I love the things that happen when we start to discover

We got married

Living life, loving wife

At the speed of light

Nowadays every night flashes by

We got married, we got married, we got married

Place your bets, no regrets

Waiting up till the children came

Further on in the game

It was all we ever had

Just as well love was all we ever wanted

When you find a meeting of the minds

I love the way you open up your hearts to each other

We got married

Times were bad, we were glad

Scoring goals for the other team

Working hard for the dream

We got married

Found a flat, after that

We made love in the afternoon

Going fast, coming soon

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WWe GGot MMarried e ot arried eW oGt aMrried ae hot jarried aWe hGot jMarried Wae Ghot Mjarried 3e yot karried 3We yGot kMarried
W3e Gyot Mkarried de bot narried dWe bGot nMarried Wde Gbot Mnarried ee vot Maarried eWe vGot Mrried Wee Gvot Mraried se fot Mzrried
sWe fGot Mzarried Wse Gfot Mazrried 2e tot Mqrried 2We tGot Mqarried W2e Gtot Maqrried qe Goot Msrried qWe Gt Msarried Wqe Gto Masrried
Gkt Mwrried W Gkot Mwarried We Gokt Mawrried Ws G9t Mxrried G9ot Mxarried Wes Go9t Maxrried W3 G0t Marrried G0ot Maried
We3 Go0t Married Wf Glt Madried Wfe Glot Madrried Wef Golt Mardried Wr Git Ma4ried Wre Giot Ma4rried Wer Goit Mar4ried W4 Gott Magried
W4e Go Magrried We4 Got Margried Wd Gof Matried Goft Matrried Wed Gotf Martried Ww Go5 Ma5ried Wwe Go5t Ma5rried Wew Got5 Mar5ried
Goh Mafried Goht Mafrried Goth Marfried Goy Maeried Goyt Maerried Goty Mareried Go6 Go6t
Got6 Marired Gog Mardied Gogt Gotg Marrdied Gor Mar4ied Gort Gotr Marr4ied Margied

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