Paul Mccartney
Ever Present Past

I've got too much on my plate
Don't have no time to be a decent lover
I hope it isn't too late
Searching for the time that has gone so fast
The time that I thought would last
My ever present past

I've got too much on my mind
I think of everything to be discovered
I hope there's something to find
Searching for the time that has gone so fast
The time that I thought would last
My ever present past

The things I think I did
I d.i. d.i. did
The things I think I did
When I was a kid

I couldn't understand a word that they were saying
But still I hung around and took it all in
I wouldn't join in with the games that they were playing
It went by it went by in a flash
It flew by it flew by
In a flash

There's far too much on my plate
Don't have no time to be a decent lover
I hope it's never too late
Searching for the time that has gone so fast
The time that I thought would last
My ever present past

The things I think I did
I d.i. d.i. did
The things I think I did
When I was a kid

The things I think I did
I d.i. d.i. did
The things I think I did
When I was a kid
When I was a kid

Mirror lyrics:

When I was a kid
When I was a kid
The things I think I did
I d.i. d.i. did
The things I think I did

When I was a kid
The things I think I did
I d.i. d.i. did
The things I think I did

My ever present past
The time that I thought would last
Searching for the time that has gone so fast
I hope it's never too late
Don't have no time to be a decent lover
There's far too much on my plate

In a flash
It flew by it flew by
It went by it went by in a flash
I wouldn't join in with the games that they were playing
But still I hung around and took it all in
I couldn't understand a word that they were saying

When I was a kid
The things I think I did
I d.i. d.i. did
The things I think I did

My ever present past
The time that I thought would last
Searching for the time that has gone so fast
I hope there's something to find
I think of everything to be discovered
I've got too much on my mind

My ever present past
The time that I thought would last
Searching for the time that has gone so fast
I hope it isn't too late
Don't have no time to be a decent lover
I've got too much on my plate

Relevant Tags:
EEver PPresent PPast ver resent ast vEer rPesent aPst sver 0resent 0ast sEver 0Present 0Past Esver P0resent P0ast
3ver lresent last 3Ever lPresent lPast E3ver Plresent Plast fver oresent oast fEver oPresent oPast Efver Poresent Poast
rver Prresent Paast rEver Pesent Pst Erver Persent Psat 4ver Pdesent Pzst 4Ever Pdresent Pzast E4ver Prdesent Pazst
dver P4esent Pqst dEver P4resent Pqast Edver Pr4esent Paqst wver Pgesent Psst wEver Pgresent Psast Ewver Prgesent Passt
Evver Ptesent Pwst Eer Ptresent Pwast Eevr Prtesent Pawst Eber P5esent Pxst Ebver P5resent Pxast Evber Pr5esent Paxst
Ecer Pfesent Ecver Pfresent Pat Evcer Prfesent Pats Eger Peesent Pazt Egver Peresent Evger Preesent Paszt
Efer Pawt Prsent Evfer Prseent Paswt Eveer Prssent Padt Evr Prsesent Padst Evre Pressent Pasdt
Evsr Pr3sent Paet Evser Pr3esent Paest Evesr Pre3sent Paset Ev3r Prfsent Paxt Ev3er Eve3r Prefsent Pasxt
Evfr Prrsent Paat Evefr Prersent Pasat Evrr Pr4sent Pastt Evrer Pas Everr Pre4sent Past Ev4r Prdsent Pasf
Ev4er Pasft Eve4r Predsent Pastf Evdr Prwsent Pas5 Evder Prwesent Pas5t Evedr Prewsent Past5 Evwr Pash
Evwer Preent Pasht Evewr Preesnt Pasth Prezent Pasy Eve Prezsent Pasyt

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